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Sam Winchester enters a barn holding a shotgun. In another part of the barn, Dean is chained to a chair in a room that contains an ornate throne and Egyptian statues.

"Really, Warren? All you noticed were the symbols?" Dean mumbles to himself. Osiris is now on the throne.

"Quit squirming, Mr. Winchester. They're Houdini-proof. Now, you want to talk charges, or..."

"I'd rather talk about your Bukowski schtick at the bar. What, you can't jump a guy when he's sober?"

"You and that waitress had quite a talk, huh? Get a couple drinks in you, and the guilt comes pouring out" Osiris states.

"Oh, eavesdropping – that's cute"

"Speaking of... You're gonna skulk all night, Sam?" Osiris asks. The door to the room slides open by itself, revealing Sam.


"Nice job finding us. I assume you figured out who I am, too?"


"You want to fill me in?" Dean asks Sam.

"Osiris. He's an Egyptian God"

"Ta-da! Now, go about your business, Sammy" Osiris tells Sam.

"Look, if anyone should be on trial, it's me" Sam counters.

"That's for me to decide. Now go away"

"But he – he has the right to an attorney. Doesn't he?"


"Let me defend him"

"Well, that's unusual"

"Are you gonna respect his rights or not?" Sam asks.

"Why not?"

"Uh, Sam? You're not a lawyer" Dean points out as Sam takes a seat next to him.

"I was pre-law"

"Yeah, pre"

"All right, then. Let's get started. Now, the list of witnesses I can call – endless" Osiris starts.


"Are you gonna let me finish my sentence, Sam?"

"No. This isn't fair"

"Fair? I'm sorry. Moving on. I can make it very simple. Three witnesses"

"Objection!" Sam shouts again.


"Witness is being called without prior notice"

"Good one" Dean tells Sam.

"I saw that on "The Good Wife."" Sam admits.

"Yes. Very fine objection. Denied!" Osiris informs them.

"What? Why?"

"Because I'm the judge, son. Now stop objecting, or I'll find you in contempt – that is, kill you. So I advise you to let me move it along. The prosecution calls Joanna Beth Harvelle to the stand" Jo's ghost appears.

"Jo?" Dean asks.

"Dean. Sam. Long time. No Sara?" she asks, Dean shakes his head at her. Osiris beckons and Jo takes a seat near his throne.

"State your name for the court"

"Jo Harvelle" Jo states.

"And... what is your relationship to Dean Winchester?" Osiris asks.

"We worked together" Jo answers.

"Isn't it true that you admired him?"

"Well, as a hunter... yeah. As a guy, he was kind of a jerk" Jo answers, Dean looks somewhat hurt.

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