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The next few months are whirlwind as they say, Bucky and Sara grow closer, and closer. She doesn't run off after Sam and Dean. Bucky opens up more with Sam and Steve's help. They're good but they could be better. Bucky wants more. He sits in Sam's office impatient and nervous. His metal fingers clench and unclench on his knee. The office door opens and Sam hurries in, hair wet, skin glistening. He looks rushed as he moves to his chair.

"What took you so long?" Bucky growls as Sam sits across from him.

"You called me five minutes ago, Barnes, I was in the shower" Sam takes a breath and then raises an eyebrow. "Now what's the problem" Bucky flexes his fingers and then nods.

"I urm...I need to know that what I am about to do is the right thing for me and Sara" Sam nods and motions for Bucky to carry on. Bucky pulls and folded print out from his jacket pocket and unfolds it before giving it to Sam. Sam raises an eyebrow reading it.

"This is an apartment listing" Sam points out, Bucky nods. "Studio apartment over looking Central Park..."

"What's that face for?" Bucky asks watching Sam's reaction. "What's wrong?"

"Nothing" Sam answers. "I actually think you and Sara are ready for this...."

"But?" Bucky asks.

"It's very...white" Sam answers, Bucky sighs a little. "You're a very dark person, Barnes...."

"But she isn't" Bucky argues. "She is my light...." Sam smiles at him. "Shut up" Bucky grumbles.

"You've technically been living together for the last 15 months and you've been officially dating for 4....getting your own place, somewhere that is yours, just the two of you....it's a step in the right direction" Sam hands the listing back to Bucky who touches it softly. "And that you've checked first shows how serious you are about this" Sam adds. "That you want to make sure it works" Bucky nods. "Have you told her how you feel yet?" Sam asks leaning back.

"She knows" Bucky answers.

"Did you tell her?" Sam counters, Bucky looks out the window.

"No" He admits. "I should do that first" he mumbles and then looks to Sam. "How do I do that?" he asks.

"Well....how do you feel about her?" Sam counter asks, Bucky looks away again. "If you can't admit it out loud, how can you tell her?" Bucky looks down.


Bucky lays on the couch the tv playing Dr. Sexy. M.D, he runs his fingers through Sara's hair where she lays back against his chest, legs tangled together, his metal arm resting around her waist, a blanket covering the both of them. Neither had ventured out of their pjs and opted for a tv day. Well a Dr. Sexy day, Bucky is now hooked, he honestly couldn't say when or why it happened, but one day he just found himself sitting in front of the tv without thinking about it.

"Oooo" He teases as Dr. Wang slaps Dr. Sexy. Sara chuckles against him and he smiles.

"He shouldn't have criticised her mitral valve procedure" she counters.

"Preach" Bucky teases, she laughs harder. He loves her laugh, there is something so....magical about it. Warm and tingling that fills him with warmth.

"Oh my God!" Bucky and Sara both shout at the tv, both surprised and excited.

"Are they?" Sara asks.

"They are" Bucky agrees. "Dr Sexy and Dr. Wang are..."

"Fonduing" Sara adds, Bucky bursts into laughter and pulls her closer to laugh into her hair.

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