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When Sara returns Dean is sleeping on the couch, Sam is still resting and Bobby sits in the dining room, Sara moves to the kitchen and set the bag of groceries on the side.

"You weren't joking, were you?" Bobby asks looking to her, she glances to him. "You really were born in 1955?" she raises an eyebrow.

"Who said I was joking?" she asks back setting a few things from the bag away. "Yes, I really was born in 1955" she admits turning to him and crossing her arms over her chest. "The circumstances surrounding my birth and my early years is......complicated and not one I readily talk about"

"Try me" Bobby offers softly. "You should talk to someone, Ki..." he pauses and Sara smirks. "I can't really call you that any more" he mumbles.

"No" she agrees.

"You're only 5 years younger then me" he adds and smirks a little. "You look better for it"

"Good genetics" she counters a little. Bobby nods and gives her a look, she sighs. "I was born in a science lab" she admits. "After Howard Stark took DNA from Steve Rogers....Captain America and put it into an embryo and then implanted that into some woman"

"You're a clone" Bobby realises. "You're a clone of Captain America"

"You're a what?" Dean asks sitting up, Sara sighs and rolls her eyes a little.

"A clone" she answers. "You are smart enough to understand what that is, right?" she asks back. Dean shoots her a look.

"Okay" Dean starts. "You're angry...." he mumbles. "You lied and now you're angry" he tells her. "You're angry"

"See this is why I never said anything" she counters. "You just...flip out over nothing"

"Nothing? This is not nothing" he argues. "This is...you're.....how could you keep this from me? From us?"

"Because...." she sighs. "Because from the moment I was born I was treated like a lab rat, an experiment. And then there was you" she offers softly. "And Sam...." she quickly adds. "You both" she sighs. "For the first time in 56 years I was treated like a human being and not a science experiment" she looks to Dean. "You have no idea how that felt" she tells him. "So I kept talking myself out of telling you, then you went to hell....and then there was Lilith and then Lucifer....and then....." she looks to Dean.

"We spent a year living together" he adds. "You could have told me then" he offers.

"No, I couldn't" she corrects. "You were so....you missed Sam so much" she shakes her head. "After everything how could I admit this.....there was never the right time to talk about it. It was not a malicious lie" she tells him. "I just....I liked being normal" she tugs on her sleeves a little. "You have no idea what it is like to live with such expectations on your shoulders"

"You know I do" Dean counters, she shakes her head.

"No....you don't....to be expected to grow into the world's greatest soldier, to become a living legend. I was supposed to be....a hero" she looks down and shakes her head. Dean looks to her sadly realising how knocked her confidence is. How it's probably his fault. How it is definitely his fault. She just suddenly seems so small and tired.

"Sara" Bobby starts standing to move to her, she holds out her hand to stop him.

"It's fine" she whispers and takes a breath. "I should get back to New York" she pats her pockets and pulls out the car keys. "I hope you feel better" she tells Dean who nods a little, trying not to upset her more by opening his mouth. "And I hope you figure out these...." she looks to Bobby.

"Leviathans" he offers, she nods.

"Leviathans" she repeats. "I hope you...figure it out" she tells them both before leaving. Bobby turns to look at Dean who sighs.

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