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Steve watches Bucky as he suits up, pulling a buckle closed on his chest. It's been four days since the engagement party, four days since Sara left and Bucky wants to work. He can't sleep. He can't eat. He can barely function without her. So this mission, it's a bad idea and Steve knows it is, and if it was any other mission he would make him sit it out. Natasha nods patting Steve's back. Any other mission and they'd all make Bucky sit this out, but this isn't just any mission.

"Ready?" Sam asks Bucky who nods sliding his rifle onto his back and takes a deep breath. Everyone but Bucky share a look and then turn to Steve.

"Let's go" Steve orders and nods to the jet, Bucky moves first, wanting to get out there, wanting to dive into the job, hoping that it will take his mind off of Sara. Deep down he knows it won't.


The whole warehouse is empty, every room empty, not a single peep from anyone and Bucky doesn't like it. It sets all his instincts and nerves on edge. He itches with panic and alarm. Steve follows behind him, the rest of the team split up, all ready to converge in the center room. Something about this is rubbing him up the wrong way. It's bugging him. Bucky clutches to his gun tighter as he turns to shoulder open the door in front of him. What bothers him more, is the lack of serious chatter on the comms. They're all laughing and joking and he's not in the mood for it. He growls a little shoving the door open before walking into the room. Bucky glances around as the others join them, Steve gives them all a look and each nods back, Bucky frowns a little turning when he hears heels. Sara. She walks towards them. Bucky looks confused, he glances to the rest of the team who stand back having let him move forward on his own. He lowers his gun and raises an eyebrow at her.

"Bucky" she greets warmly.

"Sara" he whispers. "What are you doing here? What's going on?"

"I didn't see any other way to get through to you" she answers and then holds her head up high. "You are a stubborn moron" Sara states, Bucky hangs his head. She softens. "A man willing to give up his own happiness for the woman he loves, willing to bow out...." he looks to her. "Everything we've been through, the things we've worked through, the things I thought you knew" she takes a deep breath and nods stealing herself for this. "I love you, you idiot" she announces, Steve and Sam share a look, both smiling. "I love you like I've never loved anyone ever before" Bucky sniffs slightly as emotions flood through him. "And I am standing here, in front of our friends to tell you this....to make sure that you know just how much you mean to me...." she worries her lip and then smiles softly. "You are the most stubborn, the most annoying man I have ever met, you snore and your hair gets everywhere, you leave your dirty socks in the bed, and your shaving foam all over the sink" Bucky smiles a little. "You sing in the shower, way out of tune and always with the wrong lyrics....you can't cook, like at all, even soup" Sara smiles. "You look at me with those eyes and nothing else in this world matters to me" she blinks sending tears down her cheeks. "And oh boy, that smirk of yours" she starts. "When you find something funny but it's inappropriate to laugh at. The way you hold me close to you in front of the tv....the way you kiss my head every night before you go to sleep" she shrugs. "I could keep listing things I love about you but...I'll spare them" she nods to their friends, Bucky nods a little. "I guess that's it really" she whispers. "Oh," she stops herself and looks to him. "Just one more thing" he raises an eyebrow at her. "Marry me" she states. "Right here, right now" he raises an eyebrow at her.

"Urm, Sara, we're in a warehouse in the middle of Liverpool" he points out, she shrugs and looks to the others.

"Give us an hour" Steve counters. Bucky shoots him a look. "You're an idiot," Steve tells Bucky. "She wasn't going to leave you" he pulls off his mask and nods to Natasha who smirks and pulls a whistle from under her suit, presses it to her lips and blows. Bucky looks confused as people start pouring out of doors, carrying flowers, seats, tables. He looks to Sara as she moves closer to him.

"I love you" she assures him. "I'm yours" he hand finds her cheek and he smiles.

"I'm sorry" he whispers, she nods and kisses him wrapping her arm around his neck. "I just want you to be happy" he nudges her nose.

"I am" she promises him. "With you" he smiles softly, eyes threatening to cry. "Can I have my ring back?" she asks, he laughs and nods pulling back to pull it from his pocket, he wanted it on him, he doesn't know why, maybe some subconscious thing. He brushes the back of his hand across his cheek before taking her hand and sliding the ring back into place on her finger.

"Come on," Natasha tells Sara and then turns to Bucky. "Steve's got you covered...moron" she teases, Sara smirks and shrugs a little, Bucky sighs.

"I've never going to live this down," he tells them before Natasha pulls Sara away from him. He lets out a breath, every inch of his body releasing tension. Steve pats his shoulder and Bucky looks to him.

"You ready?" Steve asks him, Bucky nods sharply, sure. He's never been surer of anything.

"I thought I lost her" he admits, Steve nods.

"Yeah, you screwed up, you really thought she was going to go back to him?" Steve asks, Bucky shrugs.

"I think part of me always thought she might" he admits. Steve sighs and shakes his head.

"Come on, we've got you a suit waiting" Steve nods towards a side door.

"There was no mission, was there?" Bucky mumbles.

"Nope," Steve answers with a smirk, Bucky laugh and shakes his head as they walk towards the door.

"Thanks" Bucky whispers. "For...everything" Steve looks to him and places his hand on his best friends shoulder. "I guess" Bucky starts. "Will you be my best man?"

"I thought that was a given" Steve answers. "But yeah, I would love to..." They both share a look, Steve smiles proudly at his best friend, that he's getting that happily ever after that he always wanted, even before the war Bucky used to talk of one day getting married, having a family, and now he's half way there. 

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