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Bucky nuzzles into Sara's neck as she strokes his hair, neither needing to say a thing, or to move. This is his favourite place in the world. Naked and curled up with the woman he utterly adores in his arms, both feeling satisfied and warm. The elevator pings behind them followed by soft footsteps.

"Oh for the love of!!" Tony shouts. "Who's bare ass is that?!" Sara looks to Tony as Bucky sighs into her neck. Tony is staring at them, eyes wide and....disgusted.

"Tony!" Sara snaps as Bucky pulls his shirt over Sara's chest.

"Sara?!" Tony asks. "Oh God, this is not happening" he grumbles. "You both have your own rooms why are you banging on the couch?!" he snaps turning away. "Sara, clothes" she rolls her eyes and sighs, Bucky sits up and she sits up with him pulling on Bucky's shirt.

"Tony..." Sara starts.

"So is this a thing now?" Tony asks. "You two...."

"You know me and Bucky have been...."

"I've been ignoring it, part of me was kinda hoping you'd pick Dean over Bucky.....I mean at least he didn't kill our parents"

"Tony" Sara scolds as Bucky looks down.

"I'm sorry, but seriously, Sara, any sane person would run away from the person that destroyed their family, not crawl into bed with him"

"Tony!" Sara snaps giving him a look, Bucky clears his throat.

"I'll...go elsewhere" he mumbles collecting his clothing, he glances to Sara who looks back at him sadly before he leaves, Sara sighs and closes her eyes and then stands.

"Pants, Barbie" Tony scolds, she shoots him a look as she moves towards him.

"Do you not care about any one else's feelings at all?" Sara asks Tony sadly. "You see someone happy and you have to meddle in it?"

"Sara" Tony whispers.

"I have forgiven a lot" she tells him. "And bitten my tongue.....and I'm not asking you to understand, I'm asking you to accept that he makes me happy....and if you can't do that" she shakes her head. "Right now, I'll choose him, because...he is at least willing to put the past behind him...and doesn't take every opportunity to bring it up and use it as a....insult. You and me, we're not clean in this life either" she walks away and Tony hangs his head.


"Bucky?" Sara asks stepping into his room, Bucky looks to her from where he paces against the far wall.

"He's right" Bucky tells her, she shakes her head. "You shouldn't be anywhere near me. I'm dangerous"

"I don't care" she admits, he looks down. "Bucky, did you think that I didn't know?" he shrugs and fidgets with his hands. She moves closer to him. He steps away. "Bucky" she whispers. "I've known since Tony found out" he looks to her. "I forgave you"

"But I took...."

"I know" she whispers cupping his cheek. "And I loved them" he looks to her sadly. "But...." she searches his eyes before smiling. "I think I could love you too" he raises a hand up to brush her hair back. "And I'm the sort of person to let past events trouble her future ones" he kisses her. "What's done is done, and it can't be undone, you can't take back what you did and I can't bring my parents back" she strokes his cheek. "I've never met anyone like you and I think I could be happier with you then I've ever been.....Tony is not right, not on this" he kisses her softly, and pulls her closer to him, his arms wrapping around her waist and back. She pulls back and smiles at him. "I love you" she whispers. "All of you"

"You're too good for me" he whispers with a soft, sad smile.

"Well too bad" she counters with her own warm smile. "You're stuck with me"

"I can live with that" he whispers she leans up and kisses him softly. It become heated quickly. He pulls back and bites his lip before nudging her nose. She chuckles and grabs his hand pulling him backwards with her as she moves to his bed.


Bucky strokes along Sara's bare spine as she watches him, laying on her front in his bed. He smirks a little and lifts his eyes to hers.

"Now do I get to call you my girlfriend?" he asks, she smirks and nods a little.

"But try saying it so you don't sound 14 years old" he laughs and leans down to nuzzle into her neck.

"I'll try" he promises, she smiles at him as he sets his hand on the small of her back. "Oh...." he smiles lifting his head. "I love you too" he whispers softly pulling her closer to him. Sara smiles threading her fingers with his metal ones on his stomach and curls into his side. Perfectly slotted against him. "We should get up for dinner" he tells her stroking her hair, pulling his fingers through the blonde locks.

"No" she argues a little. "I don't want to see Tony just yet"

"You can't stay mad at him, Sara, he's your brother" he counters, she lifts her head to him. "I know what he said....And...yes, it upset you, but he's only trying to protect you"

"Bucky, I am 60 years old.....and Tony is my baby brother..." he chuckles and shrugs.

"Still your brother, still wants to protect his big sister.....and come on" he shakes his head. "He's never going to like me, we've too much history, far too much....but I know how important he is to you, and he will see it too, just give him time to adjust" she smiles warmly at him and sets her chin on his chest. "What's that smile for?" he asks, she shrugs a little.

"I'm happy, I'm allowed to smile" she answers warmly. He strokes her side and smiles back.


Tony takes a breath standing in the doorway to the living room, Sara sits watching tv, alone, he looks around to make sure she is actually alone before walking into the room, towards her, he sets a mug of tea on the coffee table for her, Sara who glances up at him.

"I'm sorry" he tells her, she looks away. "Sara, you're my sister and I love you, but that man..."

"If you are here to point out the obvious again, you can leave" she argues pulling a knee to her chest. "I can't talk to you about this"

"I want you to be happy" Tony whispers, she shakes her head.

"Do you?" she asks looking back to him. "No one I date is ever good enough, no man, no woman, they just....there was always something wrong with them"

"Because you..." Tony sighs. "Sara....I'm your brother, I'm supposed to look out for you, I'm supposed to vet who you date, and no, no one will ever be good enough for you....not Dean, not Bucky....no one. That's my job" she shakes her head and smiles softly.

"You have to let me make my own mistakes, to date who I want, to love who I want.....to learn for myself. Howard, he 'protected' me from everything for the first 30 years of my life, and I was....hopelessly unprepared for the real world....you have to let me do this myself" he sits at her side and nods a little. He sighs and looks to her.

"It's always been me and you" he reminds her. "But these last few years, I've felt like I'm loosing you" he tells her, she smiles and shakes her head at him.

"Tony, you will always be my little brother, no man or women will ever change that it'll always be you I run to when in pain, or sick, or upset, okay?" he nods and leans against her side, she smiles and leans back.

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