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Sara sits on the love seat in Tony's lab as he sits at his desk watching her, she takes a breath and looks to him.

"It's okay" Tony tells her. "It'll pass, just stay out of his way for a few days and he'll forget about it"

"It was just nice to talk to someone" she admits. "Someone that didn't know me the way you or they know me. I just wanted to talk to someone about this....and I know it shouldn't have been Bucky, but I literally have no one else" she looks to Tony. "I can't talk to anyone about who I am, Tony"

"You can talk to me" Tony corrects.

"No, I can't. You're my brother. Your father created me. I can't...talk to you about any of this" Tony sighs a little.

"Well...I guess you could talk to Wilson, he's a councillor"

"Of soldiers with PTSD" Sara reminds him. "I'm not a soldier and I don't have PTSD. I just screwed up a relationship, that's not worthy of counselling"

"It wasn't your fault, you're genetically perfect, Barbie, he screwed up, not you"

"That doesn't make me perfect, Tony" she argues. "I am not perfect" she pulls her sleeves down over her hands, she looks to Tony. "I had to have done something wrong" Tony pushes his chair over to her and takes her hand.

"Stop" he scolds. "Just stop. This isn't you" Tony pulls her hand closer and lifts her chin. "You don't let things get you down. Something good will come of this"

"What is good about being alone?" she asks.

"You are not alone" Tony reminds her. "And something good will come of this....no man should ever make you feel like this" he kisses her forehead and pulls back. "How about we go out for dinner?" he asks. "Just you and me" she nods and smiles at him.


Bucky sits across from Wilson as he talks at the former assassin, part of Tony's deal when they moved into the refurbished tower, counselling, no weapons (Though they'd folded and allowed him one knife), and he's supposed to stay away from Tony, which he's already failed at.

"How are you sleeping?" Wilson asks, Bucky looks to him. "Are you sleeping?" Bucky stares at Wilson before looking down.

"I try" Bucky admits. "Most nights I lay there staring at the ceiling till about 3am and then I walk around" Sam raises an eyebrow.

"And the last few days?" Bucky fidgets with his hands. "What about Sara?"

"What about her?" Bucky growls, the plates in his arm whirling.

"Tell me about her" Sam presses. Bucky looks away. "Just talk about her" Bucky fidgets with his metal hand. What harm can it do if he talks about her with Sam? Sam legally can't talk about it to anyone else, everything Bucky says here is confidential. Bucky takes a breath and looks to Sam. Before he does talk about Sara.


In Bobby's basement, Bobby lights a match and throws it into a bowl where it erupts into a huge flame. There's a devil's trap scrawled on the floor. Crowley, king of Hell, king of the crossroads, demon, appears inside the Devil's trap, with a glass of whiskey in his hand.

"No. No! NO! Come on!" Crowley complains.

"Don't act so surprised" Bobby counters.

"My new boss is going to kill me for even talking to you lads"

"Well, you're lucky we're not stabbing you in your scuzzy face, you little piece.." Dean argues.
"Whoa, wait! What new boss?" Sam asks.

"Castiel, you giraffe"

"Is your boss?" Bobby asks.

"Is everybody's boss. What do you think he's going to do if he finds out we've been conspiring? You do you want to conspire, don't you?"

"No. We want you to just stand there and look pretty"

"Thought that was...." Crowley looks around and frowns. "Where's Precious?" he asks looking to Dean who clenches his jaw, Crowley smirks. "Oh, trouble in paradise?"

"We need a spell to bind Death" Dean states trying to ignore Crowley's comment about Sara.

"Bind? Enslave Death? You having a laugh?"

"Lucifer did it" Dean points out.

"That's Lucifer" Crowley counters.

"A spell's a spell" Sam adds.

"You really believe you can handle that kind of horsepower? You're delusional!"

"Death is the only player on the board left that has the kind of juice to take Cas" Dean argues.

"They'll both mash us like peas. Why should I help with a suicide mission?" Crowley asks.

"Look!" Bobby snaps. "Do you really want Cas running the universe?" he asks, Crowley looks down and pours himself another drink.


Sara sits on her bed fastening the clasp on her shoes before standing and grabbing her coat and heading to the door, there's a noise behind her and she turns to find a piece of paper fluttering to the floor, Sara raises an eyebrow and picks it up before reading it. It is the spell Sam, Dean and Bobby asked Crowley for.


Dean pours himself a drink in Bobby's study and runs his hand over his face. He sighs as his cell phone rings and he grabs it from the table, closes his eyes seeing Sara's name. He sets it back down, ignoring it. The ringing stops and he relaxes a little. And then it starts ringing again, he sighs and hangs his head.

"Dean, you going to answer that?" Bobby asks motioning to the phone, Dean shakes his head and looks away. Bobby shakes his head and answers the phone. "Sara" he greets. "Really?" Bobby asks, Dean looks to him. "Really?" Bobby asks again. "I don't think that's a good idea" Bobby scoffs. "Now who's being childish...I'll talk to them" he hangs up and turns to Dean. "Crowley came through" Dean raises an eyebrow. "He gave Sara the spell to bind Death"

"Of course he did" Dean mumbles. "So what is it?"

"No idea, she refused to tell me....." Bobby shoots him a look. "I wonder why" Dean grabs his drink and leaves the room. Bobby shakes his head disappointed.


Dean sits at the computer and opens the phone tracking software.

"What are you doing?" Sam asks standing behind him.

"Tracking Sara's cell" Dean answers, Sam shoots him a look.

"Dean, you sent her away...."

"Crowley gave the spell to Sara and she won't tell Bobby...so" Dean argues typing away.

"Can you blame her?" Sam asks. "Dean" Dean leans back and raises an eyebrow, Sam leans over his shoulder, eyes widening. "Is that?" Sam asks.

"The new Avenger tower?" Dean asks. "Yeah" Dean answers nodding.

"Why is Sara there?" Sam asks back. Dean stands and grabs his jacket.

"Let's find out" Dean answers, Sam looks to him and shakes his head. "What?"

"Look you know I love Sara" Sam answers. "But you sent her away....you broke her heart. I just don't think you going is a good idea"

"I'm going" Dean states back and then leaves. Sam sighs and the follows after him, even just to save his big brother from doing more damage, he's convinced it will all be fixed, that Sara will come back to them.

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