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"Kai! How were your lessons? Learn anything useful?"

Kai jumps at my sudden enthusiasm, but smiles anyway. "Same old thing. You seem happy today." He takes a seat next to me on my bed. My cheeks heat up and I nervously rub my neck, "I'm just in a good mood I guess."

"Where's Katsuki?" Kai looks around the room.

"Oh he's training with Eijirou. I decided to take the time to study a bit." I point to the pile of papers on my lap. Kai grabs the flier that was given to us during class today. His eyes widen a bit as he reads it.

"A-Are you going?" Kai's hands shake a little as he holds the paper tightly. Creases start to form from his grip. His eyes refuses to meet mine.

"Of course! It'll be fun. You're coming too you know." I ruffle his hair. He stops shaking and places the paper down onto my bed, "How about we do something else that day?"

I raise an eyebrow, "Huh? Why? Do you not like dances?"

Kai gulps and presses his pointer fingers together, "N-Not really."

"Then I'll make sure you'll have a great time." I grin and pat his back. Kai slowly nods, "Okay."

Katsuki's POV

"So how did it go with (Y/N)?" Kirishima asks whilst throwing punches at me. I dodge them effortlessly, "Good. We're back to normal."

Kirishima dodges my explosion, "Are you going to that homecoming dance?" He stops his movements to catch his breath. I do the same, "Yeah, only because she wants to go."

"Well isn't that sweet?" Kirishima closes his eyes and grins brightly. I glare at him, "Shut up. Are you going?"

He opens his eyes, "Of course! I'm going with Kaminari and Sero. By the way you should go shopping with us this weekend!"

"Hmph. I got nothing else to do I guess." I mumble.

(Y/N)'s POV

"Hey (Y/N) can I ask you something?" Kai asks. I look down at him and nod, "Sure. What's up?"

He sips his soup and gulps, "Why did you and Katsuki decide to give me a home and take care of me?"

I was taken back from his question. Kai's eyes avoid mine. He stares down at his soup, swirling his spoon around it.

I glance down at my necklace and ring, "Everyone deserves a home. We couldn't just leave you alone in the cold, you deserve a happy life."

Kai flinches and drops his spoon. I gasp at his sudden action, "What's wrong?"

"N-Nothing. I just lost my appetite." He stands up and walks out of the kitchen. I furrow my eyebrows and follow him. He was about to go up the elevator.

"Kai, do you not like it here?" I ask him before he could press the button for the elevator. Kai's hand freezes. He remains quiet for a moment before speaking. His voice was shaky, "It's actually the opposite. I love it here, even though I know I shouldn't." He trails off.

I take a step forward, "What do you mean you shouldn't?"

He freezes again, "I-I just wanna be alone right now." He presses the button and enters the elevator, leaving me alone in the common area.

Third Person POV

Tears ran down the boy's face as he went to the balcony of (Y/N)'s room. He stares at the orange sunset and sighs. He wipes away his tears and puts on his earpiece. There was static for a moment but a familiar voice soon speaks into his ear.

"Ah Kai. How is everything?" Akane greets. Kai bites his lip. On his way here he thought about the conversation he will have with these two. He isn't one to get scared, but at this moment all he felt was fear.

He takes a deep breath, "Why do you want to capture these students?"

The line was quiet for a second, "Because their quirks are very powerful. We could use them for our next inventions." Akane lowers her voice. "You remember that guy Riku right? His quirk was gravity, meaning he could use the force of gravity to keep someone on the ground. Ken and I took his quirk and transfused it into a gun-like invention. With those UA kids quirks, we can do the same."

Kai grips onto the railing, "So once you steal their quirks..."

"We'll simply kill them." Akane finishes. Kai flinches and grits his teeth, "But they're just teens. Why would you want to harm them?"

"Oh please don't tell me you're going all soft on them now!" Akane scoffs.

Kai furrows his eyebrows, "No."

"Then don't ask stupid questions like that alright? Anyway have you been learning more about the other two?" Akane asks. Kai nods even though she couldn't see him. During school he would talk to Midoriya and Todoroki. The two boys took interest in the kid.

"Yeah. They're very powerful."

Kai could tell that Akane was grinning, "I knew they were. Listen kid, Ken and I got work to do. Update us soon." Akane ends the call before Kai could respond.

He takes out his earpiece and stares at it. It was big compared to his hand. He was tempted to throw it, but he knew he couldn't.

They'll kill me if I don't obey.

"I'm sorry guys." He whispers to himself as another tear falls.

Heyyy! You got more background information on the Villains. If you're confused I'll try to explain it better.

So they take people's quirks and put it into their inventions. Their inventions are like laser guns kinda.

You'll see later in the story how it happens. :)

Also I've been really busy with college so I'll try my best to keep updating more! The next update won't be until a little while (like a week or two?) like I said I've been very busy and I get so tired from school. This story WILL be updated! Don't think that I'm discontinuing it 😂 I love you guys! Thank you so much for reading!

See y'all soon!

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