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Today was the day everyone was starting their internships, except Katsuki. He had two days of house arrest left, and boy was he pissed. He knew what he had done.

"I'll see you later." I kiss his lips. Katsuki rolls his eyes, "Yeah yeah. Have fun."

"I'll see you later too Kai." I ruffle his hair. He nods and walks to the school building with Mr. Aizawa.

"(Y/N)." Katsuki stops me from leaving. I turn around, "What's up?"

He looks away and rugs on his bottom lip with his teeth, "Just...be careful."

I smile at him lovingly, "I will...don't worry." I say before exiting.


"And that's how you'll become your own hero." Lightning claps her hands. I nod in response, "I still remember what you told me yesterday, about mom."

"That's good. I didn't expect you to forget." She nudges my arm. I chuckle softly.

"Excuse me young ladies." A middle aged woman walks up to us. She pushes her glasses up further to her nose, "I'm sorry to bother you, but I was walking down the street and couldn't help but notice you!" She grins, "My son is a huge fan of you Lightning!" She bows at Lightning and hold out a piece of paper and pen, "May you sign this for him?"

"Of course!" Lightning grabs the pen and paper and writes her autograph. I smile at the action.

"Thank you so much!" She bows again then looks at me.

"I recognize you from the Sports Festival!"

I blush and rub my neck, "Y-Yeah."

The lady takes out another piece of paper and hands it to me, "May I get your autograph as well? You have an amazing quirk!"

I blink at her hands that held the items, then take them.

"Well would you look at that, your first autograph!" Lightning pats my back. I sheepishly hand the paper back to the woman.

"I appreciate it! My son will be so happy!"

"What's you and your son's name?" Lightning asks.

The woman pushes up her glasses again, "I'm Akane, and my son's name is...Kuro." She grins.

"It was nice meeting you." Lightning send her a sweet smile. She thanks us again and walks away. This was the first time someone asked for my autograph. I understand that I was seen from the Sports Festival, but after using all four elements and almost killing Maya, I didn't think that people would like me that much.

"You look happy." Lightning smiles down at me. She places her hand on my shoulder.

"That's because I am."


After all of our internships ended we gathered in the main area to talk about our days. Katsuki was currently cleaning the kitchen, so he wasn't here with us at the moment. Kai decided to join us as well. I kept glancing at his happy expression as he spoke with the other students. It made me happy to see him getting along with everyone. We all loved Kai, including Katsuki, but he doesn't want to admit it.

"(Y/N) tell us about your internship!" Ochaco leans towards Izuku to get a better look at me. He blushes at her action.

"Actually, some woman came up to me and asked for Lightning and I's autograph." I respond with a bright smile. Everyone in the room gasps.

"That's awesome! Looks like you're famous!" Eijirou pats my back. I sheepishly rub my shoulder, "She was just knew me from the Sports Festival...that's all."

"What was her name? Was she nice?" Iida pushes up his glasses.

"She was very nice! And her name was Akane."

I see Kai flinch from the corner of my eye. We all look at him as he suddenly stood up. He turns to me and rubs his stomach, "I-I'm going to head to bed; I don't feel too well."

"Oh. Go get some rest then, if you still feel sick I'll bring you some medicine." I ruffle his hair. He nods and rubs upstairs without another word.

"I hope he's okay." Izuku watches as Kai runs off. The rest of the class nods in agreement.

"We should get some rest too; It's getting late anyways and we all had a long day." Iida stood up and places his hands on his hips. The class groans but follows his instructions.

"What about Bakugou?" Eijirou asks Iida. Iida turns to him then looks at me, "(Y/N) can check on him."

I scoff playfully, "As if I'd leave him cleaning in the kitchen all night."

"Have a good nights sleep everyone!" Iida waves his arms around. I wait until everyone was gone to go visit Katsuki. When I enter the kitchen, I did not expect to see Katsuki sleeping on the floor. He still had the broom in his hand. Soft snores came from his mouth. I walk up to him and smile, "Looks like someone had a long day."

Katsuki's eyes slowly flutter open. Once he realizes that he fell asleep, he immediately stands up and continues to sweep the floor.

I laugh, "You're done for the day jackass! Let's get to bed."

Katsuki blushes and puts the broom away, "The house arrest really sucks."

"It's your fault that you beat the crap out of that guy." I bite my lip to contain my laughter. Katsuki groans, "His mouth was full of shit. Someone needed to put him in his place."

I wrap my arms around his neck, "I love it when you get jealous."

His arms snake around my waist, "Like I said, you're mine...only mine. If anyone tries to steal you away I'll do whatever I can to stop them." He plants a kiss onto my neck. I grin and kiss his head.

"How's Kai?" He asks once he pulls away. We walk hand in hand towards our rooms.

"He went to sleep already; he wasn't feeling well." I frown, "I hope he's okay."

"He'll be fine." Katsuki says. I look up at him and nod, "I hope so."

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