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"Today we'll be doing another recuse exercise." Mr. Aizawa shuffles the papers in his hands. I rest my chin on my hand.

"Again." Mina mumbles.

Mr. Aizawa narrows his eyes, "Except this rescue training will be a little bit different."

This caught everyone's attention, including mine.

"Go get dressed and meet me at Ground Beta." He says before leaving the classroom.

"I wonder what's different about today's training." Tsu pipes up. I turn to look at her, "Maybe we'll have to fight too?"

"Ha, that'll be a piece of cake." Katsuki smirks to himself. I roll my eyes, "Just try to be nice to the victims alright?"

He grunts, "Yeah yeah whatever."

Everyone collected their things and headed to the locker rooms. All of us changed in silence, wondering what will happen today.

Once everyone was at Ground Beta we met up with Mr. Aizawa and All Might. Kai was also with them.

"While you'll be rescuing those in need, you will also be avoiding attacks coming at you. Your goal is to avoid the attacks and save as many people as possible. Got it?" Mr. Aizawa explains.

Iida raises his hand, "Mr. Aizawa sir, what kind of attacks will be aimed at us?"

"You'll see for yourself." Mr. Aizawa answers, "All Might will now give you your groups."

Before Mr. Aizawa could walk away, I call out his name. He turns his head around and raises an eyebrow.

"Why is Kai here?" I lower my voice a bit so no one could hear me. Mr. Aizawa fully faces me, "He wanted to watch today's training. He's been doing well so I've allowed it. Don't worry, All Might and I will keep and eye on him."

I turn around and looked at Kai who was helping out All Might. I smile and turn back around, "Okay."

"Now go find your group." He says while walking away. I chuckle and run over to All Might and Kai.

"Ah Young (L/N)! You're in group one with Midoriya, Kaminari, Asui, and Todoroki." All Might says. I nod and move my gaze towards Kai. I bend down to his level, "I'm glad to see you here." I ruffle his hair.

"I wanted to see heroes in action." He smiles and playfully swats my hand away from his hair. I laugh and stand up, "I'm glad to hear that."

"Come on (Y/N)! We're up first!" Izuku calls from behind. I give Kai one last smile before running off into the fake city. Everyone else went into a different room to watch from the screens.

Once the training began, explosions came from all over the fake city. Some of us fall down due to the impact. Smoke quickly surrounds us.

"What a way to start." I cough while running through the smoke. I listen closely for any cries for help. Once I hear someone I quickly run in their direction.

"Help me please!" An old woman was trapped under a slab of concrete. I give her a reassuring smile, "You'll be okay. I'm here."

She gives me a weak smile before moving her head to the ground. I wave my arms around and use the wind to pick up the concrete. Once I had it in the air I threw it in the opposite direction. I then bend down and help the old lady up. Her leg was covered in fake blood.

"Thank you Miss." She says as I place her arm over my shoulder. I was about to respond until I notice her now scared expression. I look behind me and see a grenade coming towards me.

Just as I was about reach my arm out, I mountain of ice stops it. The sudden action made me stumble backwards. I hold onto the old lady and ask her if she's okay. She nods and points at the figure ahead. I look up and see Todoroki. He breathes out cool air.

"Thanks Todo—AH!" I drop to the ground as a burning arrow hits my leg. The old lady falls as well.

"(Y/N)!" Todoroki runs towards me and the old lady.

Katsuki's POV

"(Y/N)!" Kirishima, Kai, and I scream out at the same time. I have the urge to run over to her, but I knew I couldn't. Kai grabs hold of my arm. I look to see that he was shaking with fear.

"Is she going to be alright?" His voice trembles. All Might and Mr. Aizawa nod with determination, "The arrow won't cause too much damage. She should've been more aware of her surroundings." Mr. Aizawa says.

"(Y/N)!" Todoroki runs over to (Y/N) and the old lady. He kneels down to her level and grabs her wounded leg. The action makes my fists clench.

"He should be taking (Y/N) and the victim to safety before treating their wounds." Mr. Aizawa states. I furrow my eyebrows as I watch Todoroki slowly takes out the arrow out of her leg.

"She looks like she's in pain!" Kirishima looks at the screen with worry written all over his face.

I continue to watch as Todoroki carries (Y/N) and the old lady to safety. A loud horn signifies that the training was now over. Before I could run over to (Y/N), Mr. Aizawa stops me.

"She'll be fine. You're up next." He pushes me towards the opposite direction. I groan and look behind me once more. I see Deku and Todoroki help (Y/N) to Recovery Girl's office.

"You'll get to see her when you're done." Mr. Aizawa adds. I nod and begin my training.

(Y/N)'s POV

"Ah!" I whine as Todoroki slowly pulls the arrow out of my leg. There's blood smeared all over it.

"I'm surprised the teachers let us do this kind of training. Especially since it causes injuries." Izuku frowns.

"This is what we'll be facing once we're pros." Todoroki responds. I nod in agreement.

"Now you know that you have to be more aware of your surroundings." Recovery Girl chimes in. She kisses my injury and it heals.

"Thank you." I smile at her. Recovery Girl smiles back and leaves the room. As she opens the door, Kai comes running in. He jumps onto me and hugs me tightly.

"I'm glad you're okay!" He cries into my chest. His tears wetting my costume. I pat his head, "I'm fine. There's no need to worry."

"Katsuki is worried sick! He was at least able to complete his training though." Kai tells me. I chuckle and smile, "Speaking of him, where is he?"

"I'm right here you idiot."

I jerk my head up and see Katsuki leaning against the door frame. Deku and Todoroki stand there awkwardly looking between the two of us.

"Leave." Katsuki growls at the two boys. Deku nervously nods while Todoroki shrugs. Katsuki comes over and sits on the edge of the bed. Kai moves next to me.

"You need to be more careful." Katsuki breaks the silence. I sigh, "I know. How can I be so stupid?"

He scoffs, "You're just realizing that?"

I roll my eyes, "Shut it."

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