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"AH IM SO EXCITED!" Mina squeals once the final bell rings. I almost jump out of my skin from the sudden noise.

"Chill out Ashido it's not that big of a deal—"

"SHUT UP KAMINARI YOU DON'T KNOW ANYTHING!" She screams in Kaminari's face. I snicker at his scared reaction.

"Mina seems really excited; more than the rest of us." Tsu tilts her head to the side. Momo chuckles, "The dance is in a few hours. We should be getting ready right?"

The girls and I nod. I turn to face Katsuki, "Listen, I don't want you to see what I look like until I get to the dance alright?"

"Huh?" He raises an eyebrow. I step back towards the girls, "We're all arriving together, so we'll meet up later okay?"

"Tch. Whatever. You take too long to get ready anyway." Katsuki stands besides Eijirou. The girls and I laugh it off and exit the classroom.

"Bakugou is going to explode when he sees you tonight (Y/N)." Tooru nudges my arm. I blush and lightly nudge her back.

"I hope you mean that in a non-sexual way." I rub my neck. She laughs and slaps my back, "You two are so cute!"

"Alright enough about Bakugou. Let's focus on getting ready? What do you say we all head to my place and get ready together?!" Momo suggests. The girls and I agree and decide to meet up at Momo's house once we gather our things.

Momo's house turns out to be a mansion. It was a lot bigger than I expected. I knew she was rich but I didn't think she was this rich.

"You have five bathrooms?!" Ochaco's eyes widen to the size of baseballs.

"Let's head up to my room." Momo nervously chuckles. We all head upstairs to her gigantic room and set our dresses out on the bed.

"Let's put on some music shall we?" Momo grabs her phone and starts a music playlist. The girls and I dance around while putting our makeup on. We all did each other's hair as well.

By the time we were done, we had about five minutes until the dance started.

"We can take our limo there! My butler can drive us!" Momo says as she sprays her hair with hairspray. Ochaco chokes on her spit, "Did you say butler?! And limo?!"

Just then a knock was heard at the door. Momo's mom peaks her head in.

"Are you girls re—Oh look how beautiful you all look!" Her mom steps in and takes a photo with her camera. Ochaco, Kyoka, and I awkwardly smile while Mina and Tooru pose for the camera. Tsu and Momo just stand there and laugh.

"Mom there's no time for pictures." Momo walks past her and signals us to follow along. Her mom places a hand on her hip, "Oh alright. The limo is already set and waiting out front. You girls have fun okay?!"

"We will!" We all say in unison.

As we get in the limo my heart rate increased. Why am I feeling so nervous? I look over to my right and see Ochaco fiddling with her dress. I place my hand over hers, "You okay?"

She snaps her head up and quickly nods her head, "Y-Yeah! I'm totally not nervous!"

I laugh, "Don't worry, I'm nervous too. My hands are shaking, see?" I lift up my hands which were shaky. She grabs my hand and holds it. We give each other reassuring smiles.

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