After Story - Family

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Hey guys! As I much as hate to say this, but this will be the last after story 😭 I made this decision because I want to work on my other books, and it's hard to do so when I'm writing this one too. So once again thank for for everything! I hope you enjoy this last chapter!

"Merry shitmas!" Daichi runs around in his underwear towards you and Katsuki's room. Asuka follows behind him, "It's Christmas!" She glares at her twin brother.

"Goo goo gaga." Sakura giggles once she crawls out of her crib. She follows her older siblings.

"Mommy! Daddy! Wake up! It's shitmas!" Daichi jumps on the bed and jumps up and down. Asuka whines, "I just said it's Christmas Daichi!"

You and Katsuki rub your eyes and see your three beautiful children on your bed with huge grins on their faces. You sit up and ruffle the twins hair, "I knew I should've set my alarm this morning." You grab Sakura and cradle her.

Katsuki groans as he sits up, "You kids are so damn loud."

"It's shitmas!" Daichi cheers and raises his arms. Your smile fades immediately, "Daichi." You warn your son, "What did I say about copying daddy's words?"

Daichi frowns and pouts, "That I can't repeat them." He mumbles. Asuka slaps his arm, "I told you!"

"Asuka, take your sister." You hand Sakura over to Asuka, "You three head downstairs. We'll be having breakfast before opening presents."

"Aww!" The twins whine. Katsuki leans over you as the kids head towards the door, "You heard her, don't you dare open up those damn presents!"

"Yes daddy." They say in unison before closing the door.

You fall back onto the bed with a loud huff, "It was much easier when they were babies."

Katsuki hovers over you and traces shapes on your bare arm, "Yeah well they're six year olds now, it's only going to get worse."

"How do you know that?" You raise an eyebrow. Katsuki blushes, "I've read about it on the internet."

You laugh and kiss his cheek, "I love you."

He straddles you and leans down to kiss your lips, then neck, "I love you more. I can't wait to give you my Christmas present." His warm breath sends tingles down your spine. You bite your lip and push him back, "It'll have to be later, everyone's coming over remember?"

Katsuki groans while rolling off of you, "Why did you have to invite everyone? They're all annoying."

You chuckle, "They were our classmates, of course I have to invite them. Besides, Daichi and Asuka have been dying to see Mei and Hinata."

Mei and Hinata are Izuku and Ochaco's kids. Mei is five and Hinata is four. You would make plans with the couple so your children could play around. They gotten really close over the years to a point where they're like cousins.

"Get up you lazy ass." You slap your husbands bare back. He groans and rips the covers off the both of you, "Fine. I'm going to take a shower." You watch with a smile on your face as he walks into the bathroom that's in your room. You decide to get out of bed and head downstairs. You're met with the kids examining and shaking the presents under the tree.


The three kids jump and turn to you. Your hands are crossed, but there's a smile on your face.

"What did I say? Breakfast first, then presents!"

Daichi and Asuka nod with their heads down, "Yes mommy."


"You made the pancakes look like Christmas trees!" Asuka claps her hands excitedly. Daichi grabs the syrup and smothers the pancakes with the sugary substance. Sakura giggles in her high chair. You coo while feeding her.

Katsuki enters the kitchen with a yawn, "Smells good." He leans down and kisses your cheek.

"Mommy made Christmas tree pancakes!" Asuka says with a mouthful of pancakes. Daichi makes a disgusted face, "Ew! Don't talk with your mouth full! You pig!"

"Daichi." You warn your son. He sighs and apologizes, "Sorry sis."

"What time is uncle Deku and aunt Ochaco coming?" Asuka asks, ignoring her brother.

"Around two o'clock. We'll be having a lot more people coming too." You smile at her. Asuka and Daichi's eyes widen with excitement.

"The class 1-A family is coming?!" The twins beam. You nod with a huge grin on your face while Katsuki rolls his eyes.

"Is Kai and auntie Aria coming too?! Oh! What about Aunt Maya?" Asuka asks.

"Yes, everyone's coming." You play with her pigtails.

"Even after all these years, they're still just extras." He mumbles. You jam your elbow against his ribs.

"Daddy, what's extras?" Asuka asks. You glare at Katsuki and answer your daughter, "It's just something he used to call his classmates. Don't ever repeat that word; understand?" You point a finger at the twins. They both nod.

After everyone finished eating, the kids open up all of their presents. As much as they wanted to play with all the toys they got, you told them to go get ready for the party. You help your kids get ready and make sure the house is all set, then you finally get yourself ready.

As you are putting on earrings in front of your vanity, Katsuki comes up behind you and rests his chin on your head.

"Shitty hair texted me saying he's on his way." He says.

You chuckle, "Even after all these years you still call him that?" You shake your head. Katsuki moves away and unbuttons the first two buttons of his shirt, "He doesn't care."

You turn to him, "Well you won't be calling him that while the kids are around. You know Daichi likes copying you. He'll end up calling Eijirou uncle shitty hair."

"That's actually pretty funny." Katsuki laughs, but quickly stops after seeing your expression.

"Anyway...he's coming with Kaminari, Sero, and Ashido."

"I haven't seen everyone in a while; I'm so happy that everyone is able to make it." You smile to yourself as you put your heels on. Katsuki sits on the bed and you stand in between his legs.

"If you're happy, then I'm happy." He grabs your waist and places a kiss onto your neck. You giggle and run your hands through his hair, "I love you."

He kisses your jaw up to your mouth, "I love you more."


"Merry Christmas everyone!" You raise your glass. Everyone is gathered around the table with their glasses raised. All the kids are at the kids table chitchatting about what they got for Christmas.

"Merry Christmas!" Everyone cheers and clinks their glasses.

"It's so nice to be with all of you again! It feels like yesterday that we were all in the classroom at UA." Iida sips his wine. You nod, "I'm glad all of you came!"

"Even Bakugou is smiling." Kaminari points at your husband.

"Shut up dunce face!" Katsuki growls. You kick his leg from under the table.

"Come on man! Just admit that you missed this!" Eijirou nudges his arm. Katsuki sighs and the corners of his mouth rises.

"Alright. I missed you idiots." He mutters. You smile and kiss his cheek.

"Wow Kacchan! I never thought I hear you say that!" Izuku laughs along with Ochaco. Katsuki is about to yell at his childhood friend, but you stop him.

"I must admit, I missed all of you as well." Shoto gives a small smile.

"We aren't just classmates." You grab Katsuki's hand, "We're a family."

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