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It was eventually time for the teachers to go down to the cafeteria for "tea time". The students continued to chat, eat, and dance. Katsuki has his arm around my waist as we have a conversation with Eijirou and Kaminari.

I kept an eye out for Kai. I noticed that when the teachers went down for their tea time, he seemed even more nervous. I figured it was because there are no adults around. Everyone knew not to go crazy at this point.

"Come on guys! I just want one dance with Jirou!" Kaminari groans in frustration. I pinch the bridge of my nose, "Kaminari, I told you already that she doesn't want to dance with you."

"You can convince her!" He whines and throws his arms around. Katsuki rolls his eyes while I sigh, "You did what I said and asked her nicely, but she said no. How am I going to convince her?"

"Um...tell her that I'm devilishly handsome?" He makes a face that says 'duh'. I try my hardest not to roll my eyes.

"Sorry Kaminari. You're on your own." I pat his shoulder. His shoulders slump and he slowly walks away.

"Poor Kaminari; he's so bad with girls." Eijirou crosses his arms and chuckles while looking back at the blonde electric boy.

"He's smart enough to know not to touch my girl." Katsuki's grip on my waist tightens. I smile and elbow his ribs. Eijirou shyly avoids his burning gaze. Just as I was about to respond, Kai tugs on my dress.

"What's up Kai?" I bend down so I can hear him over the music. He fiddles his thumbs and clears his throat, "I'm going to get some air outside; I feel a little nauseous." He avoids my eyes. I kneel down and rub his back, "Do you want me to come with? I can take you back to the dorms? Or do you want to go to Recovery Girl?"

He shakes his head, "I'll be fine." His voice trembles. I stand up and nod, "Just make sure you come back when you feel better alright? And if you need me or Katsuki, you know where to find us."

He nods quickly and runs off towards the exit. I watch him as he leaves.

"He's been acting strange all night don't ya think?" Eijirou questions. I shrug my shoulders, "It seems like he doesn't like big crowds."

Katsuki chimes in, "Just take the brat back to the dorms then."

I shake my head, "He just said he needs some air. I think he just wants some time alone." I tell him. Katsuki shrugs in response.

"He'll be okay." Eijirou reassures us with a bright smile. I nod in agreement.

Before one of us could speak again, one of the photographers walk up to us.

"Excuse me kids, but may I take a picture of you three?" She grins widely. Eijirou and I nod while Katsuki scoffs and walks away. I grab the back of his jacket and pull him in the frame. He groans and frowns as the lady takes multiple pictures.

"Thank you!" She winks and quickly runs off.

"What a weirdo." Katsuki eyes her as she continues to take pictures of the other students.

Third Person POV

"Are you in the cafeteria?" Ken whispers into his earpiece. Down in the cafeteria, Kai stands behind the wall. His hands and legs shaking with fear.

"Yes." Kai trembles.

Akane enters the conversation, "Alright. On the count of three, you start your distraction okay? We have everything set up here."

Kai stares at the 'wet floor' sign adjacent from him. He closes his eyes and takes a deep breath.

Forgive me.

Akane starts the countdown, "Ready? One..."

Kai readies himself a bit further from the sign. His heart beating out of his chest.


Kai glances at the happy teacher's faces. They were all enjoying their tea and laughing.



Ahhh! I just had to end the chapter there! 😂 I'll hopefully get the next chapter up by this weekend or next week!

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