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Days went on like the speed of light. We've all been training these past few weeks, so nothing special has happened. The homecoming dance is tomorrow and I couldn't be more excited. Katsuki on the other hand was dreading it. It was hard to tell what Kai felt about it. He insisted on us not going, but I refused. He eventually gave in and decided to go to the dance with us. Last week Katsuki, Kai, and I went out shopping to buy Kai a suit.


I look up from my homework to see Katsuki looking down at me. I'm currently sitting against my bed.

"Yes?" I raise an eyebrow. Katsuki blushes and tries to keep eye contact with me, "I wanna take you out tonight."

"You mean like a date?" A blush forms on my cheeks this time. Katsuki sighs loudly, "Just be ready by five alright? Dress casually. I'll be waiting outside." He tells me before leaving the room. I look back down at my homework; not having any motivation anymore.

It's been a while since Katsuki and I've been on a date. So long that I can't even remember the last time we went out somewhere; just the two of us.

I look at the clock and see that it's a quarter past four. I jump off of my bed and put away my homework. A smile never left my face as I get ready.

I decide to wear a black casual dress that had red roses on it. I pair it with black flats and a black cardigan. I left my hair natural and put on minimal makeup. I grab my purse and checked to make sure I have everything.

My heart rate increases as I make way towards the entrance of the dormitory. I can see Katsuki through the windows. He was standing with his back facing me, hands in his pockets. His foot continuously tapping against the ground. He looks nervous.

His head snaps up once I open the door. He turns around and his eyes widen as he watches me come down the steps.

"I told you to dress casual." He says. I chuckle and kiss his cheek, "This is casual."

He rolls his eyes, "Whatever. You look nice." He whispers and avoids my eyes. His cheeks turn red. I giggle and kiss his lips, "You're so adorable."

"Shut up. Let's go." He growls and grabs my hand. I follow his lead towards a trail in the forest.

"So where are we going?" I ask with a raised eyebrow. The orange sky was bright over our heads as we walk further into the forest. Katsuki ignores my question and keeps walking. I roll my eyes and continue to follow him.

After jumping over a giant log, I came face to face with a beautiful scenery. We were deep in the forest with trees surrounding us. The grass was green and soft. There was a big lake that had the suns reflection. In front of me was a nicely set up table with rose peddles surrounding it. A silver platter on top of our dishes. In the middle of the table there was a lit up candle.

"Katsuki! You did all of this?" My mouth was wide open. Katsuki runs his neck, "Kirishima and Kaminari helped me out. It was all my idea."

I gradually smile and tackle him with hug and kisses. He pulls me away and brings me over to the table.

"And here I thought we'd be going to an amusement park or something." I immediately dig into my food.

"We both know this is way better than a stupid amusement park." He drinks from his glass. I nod in agreement, "Way better."

"I have a surprise after we eat." He says. I raise my eyebrows, "What could top this?"

"Just shut up and eat your food." He growls. I chuckle and finish eating.

After we finished. Katsuki grabs my hand and leads me towards the lake. Confused, I watch as he takes off his shirt and pants.

"What are you doing?!" I blush and look away. Katsuki grabs my chin, "This is the surprise, we're going for a swim."

"But I didn't bring a bathing suit."

"Are you really that stupid? You're wearing a bra and underwear right? I mean I don't mind if you're naked." He smirks. I scoff and take off my clothes, leaving on my bra and underwear. He eyes me up and down and then grabs my hand, "Shall we?"

"You go first." I bite my lip trying to hide my smile. Katsuki groans and lifts me up over his shoulder. He brings us far into the lake and finally drops me. I shiver from the sudden contact with the water. Katsuki notices and pulls me close. His hands grab my hips.

"Better?" He whispers. I gulp and nod. His warm breath fanning my face. He grins and quickly leans in. His lips meet mine roughly. His tongue making its way inside my mouth. I run my fingers through his hair and tug gently. He moans and grabs my butt. I pull away breathless, "Are we really doing this?"

"Do you want to?" He leans his forehead against mine and kisses my nose. I bite my lip, "Sex in a lake sounds pretty risky doesn't it?"

"I was talking about making out." He raises his eyebrows and smirks. I blush and hit his chest, "You bastard! I thought you wanted to—ugh whatever!" I start to swim away. He laughs and grabs my waist, pulling me back. My back pressed against his chest.

"If you want me to do you here I'm up for it." He nibbles on my ear. My heart rate increases again, "I-I don't know."

His lips tail down my neck, "If you don't want to just say so."

I turn around and wrap my arms around his neck. His scarlet eyes await my answer..

Hi y'all!

I just finished my first year of college! I'll be going away for a week in June so I won't be able to update then. Also I'll be working over the summer. I'll try my best to update this book and my other stories!

Now for my question: do you want smut in the next chapter? Let me know! ;)

Thank you for reading! I love you guys!

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