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"Kaminari stop hogging all the snacks!" Mineta pounces at Kaminari while Kaminari struggles to hold three bags of chips in his hands.

"No one else was eating them!" He fights back. I laugh while watching them. We are currently having a farewell party for Kai. Mr. Aizawa allowed us to have it at the dorms. The girls decided to decorate with balloons and a giant banner that says "Farewell Kai!" As much as it hurt to let him go, I had to keep pushing forward with a smile on my face.

"Left hand on green!" Mina shouts. Her, Eijirou, Sero, Ochaco, and Kai were all playing Twister. I watch as Kai struggles to place his left hand on the green circle. They all end up falling, followed by laughter. It makes me smile seeing Kai all happy when just a few hours ago he was crying.

"Why so smiley?"

I turn around to see Katsuki with a cookie in his mouth. My smile grows at the sight, "I'm happy that Kai is enjoying himself. This really was a good idea huh?"

Katsuki finishes the cookie and walks closer to me, "You know I hate parties, but I made an exception." He grabs my waist and kisses my forehead. The warm gesture made my heart flutter.

Mr. Aizawa enters the room, "Alright everyone parties over! Go to bed. All Might and I will clean up."

Everyone groans and obeys his orders. After saying goodnight to everyone, I grab Kai's hand and head upstairs.

"You have to get up early tomorrow, so get a good nights rest okay?" I ruffle the boys hair. Katsuki gives him a noogie.

"Don't mess up my hair!" Kai giggles while pushing Katsuki's hand away.

"Your hair will be messed up in your sleep anyway!" Katsuki says with a grin.

"Alright enough arguing!" I laugh as I pull them apart, "Bed time for both of you."

"Fine." Kai groans playfully and enters his room. I glance at his room one last time before going to my room.


"Will you stop frowning already? You know I hate seeing you like this." Katsuki grabs the corners of my mouth and tugs it up. I remove his his hand and continue to frown. He sighs, "I agreed to sleep in your room tonight only if you don't make a pussy face."

I raise an eyebrow, "What if this is just my resting bitch face?"

"Oh please I already know what that looks like." He rolls his eyes. I slap his chest, "How can I not frown whenKai is leaving tomorrow?" I sigh and lean my head down on his chest. Katsuki starts playing with my hair. I wrap my arms around his torso and hug him tightly, "We've gotten so close to Kai. He's like the little brother I never had."

Katsuki exhales through his mouth, "I know, but you have to let him go."

I close my eyes trying to prevent tears from falling, "I know."


Today was the day that Kai's leaving. Katsuki, Izuku, Eijirou, Todoroki, Mr. Aizawa, All Might and I gather around the entrance of the dormitory, waiting for Kai's aunt. Katsuki grips onto my hand tightly, rubbing his thumb against my skin. My hands are on Kai's shoulders as he stands in front of me.

"She's here." Mr. Aizawa says. I look up and spot the taxi that stopped in front of us. Out came Hana with a huge smile on her face. I look down at Kai and he smiles sadly.

"You ready?" Hana grabs Kai's hands. Mr. Aizawa and All Might help put Kai's bags in the car.

"Can I just have a minute to say goodbye?" Kai asks his aunt. She nods, "I'll be waiting in the car." She looks at us now, "Thanks again for taking care of him."

"Our pleasure." Eijirou smiles at her. She nods and heads back into the taxi. Kai turns around and takes a deep breath. His sad eyes look up at me.

"Thank you guys for everything, for giving me a home, for caring about me, for helping me. I really wish I didn't have to leave, but I really have no choice. The times I spent with you made me so happy." He then frowns, "After what happened at the dance I didn't think you would ever forgive me, yet you still treated me like you always did." He wipes away a tear that fell from his eye.

"We hope to see you again Kai." Izuku says. Eijirou and Todoroki nod.

"We'll leave you three." Todoroki places his hand on my shoulder. The three boys went inside the building, leaving me, Katsuki, and Kai.

"There's something I wanted to give you." Kai pulls out two bracelets from his pockets. He hands them to Katsuki and I. I examine it and start to tear up. It was a colorful beaded bracelet.

"It's a friendship bracelet I made in class." He shows us the same one on his wrist. Katsuki huffs and puts the bracelet on. He then kneels down to Kai's level and ruffles his hair, "I'm actually gonna miss you kid. Make sure to show everyone in Europe that you're number one."

Kai giggles and nods, "I will." He turns to me again, "Please don't cry (Y/N)."

I chuckle and wipe away my tears, "Sorry, I can't help it. After all that we've been through, it's hard to let you go."

"I know how you feel, but like you said yesterday we can always keep in touch!" He wipes my tears. I smile and hug him tightly.

"Kai let's go! We can't miss this flight!" Hana calls from the taxi.

"Coming!" Kai yells back. He pulls me and Katsuki into another tight hug, "Thank you guys. I'll miss you."

Katsuki and I look at each other and hug Kai back. Once he pulls away I feel like a part of me was gone.

I watch as Kai gets into the car with his aunt. Mr. Aizawa and All Might stand next to Katsuki and I. They place their hands on our shoulders.

One more tear fell as I wave to Kai and Hana.

"So long Kai."

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