After Story - Engagement

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Hey guys! Welcome to the after stories! I'm looking forward to writing these! Also I will be writing these in second person. Anyways...ENJOY!

Also this chapter takes place a year after graduating UA.

Katsuki stood with his friends while searching for an engagement ring for (Y/N). He looks through the glass at all the different types of rings. He didn't know what to get.

"Ooh! What about this one?!" Eijirou points to a large diamond ring. Katsuki looks at it and grimaces, "That thing must way a ton! I need to find something perfect!"

"How about this one?" Hanta points to a small gold ring with a small diamond in the middle. Katsuki scoffs, "Too lame. You guys suck at picking out rings."

"Hey we aren't the ones proposing here!" Denki crosses his arms.

"And you two! Stop talking and start looking!" Katsuki glares at Izuku and Shoto. Izuku jumps and frantically nods his head, "Right! Sorry Kacchan."

Katsuki lip starts to twitch as he scans more rings.

Why is it so damn hard to pick out a ring?!

"Do you need help sir?" The man working here asks Katsuki. Katsuki looks up at him and nods, "Apparently. I need to find an engagement ring for my girlfriend."

The man behind the counter grins, "I think you'll like this one." He reaches into the glass slide and pulls out a beautiful ring that Katsuki has never seen before.

" He reaches into the glass slide and pulls out a beautiful ring that Katsuki has never seen before

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"Holy crap that's nice!" Eijirou and the others pop up from behind. Katsuki looks at it with wide eyes.

It's perfect.

"Well? What do you think?" The guy hands Katsuki the ring. He inspects it and purses his lips.

"Get that one man!"

"Yeah! (Y/N) will love it!"

"I'll buy it for myself if you won't."

"(Y/N) will like any ring you give her."

Katsuki ignores all the comments and finally makes a decision.

"I'll take it."

-A Week Later-

"Slow down Mina! I have little legs!" You pant as you trail behind Mina. The rest of the girls giggle beside you. The girls wanted to have a girls night at a rooftop restaurant in the city. You wanted to take a cab, but the girls wanted to walk. You had absolutely no idea why they would do such a thing to you.

"Exercise is good! Stop complaining!" Mina whines.

You protest, "The time we get there I'll be all sweaty!" You wipe a bead of sweat that was trickling down your forehead, "Too late."

Momo chimes in, "Don't worry (Y/N) we'll clean you up before we get there."

"Stop frowning girl!" Aria slaps your arm. You roll your eyes, "I would be smiling if we didn't have to walk!"

"Quit your whining, we're here!" Mina gestures towards the black building in front of you. The bright lights could be seen on the rooftop. The night sky making it look like something out of a movie.

Mina drags you inside and you all head into the bathroom. Momo takes out her makeup kit and fixes your makeup while Kyoka and Tsu fix your hair.

"Thanks girls." You sigh and run your hands over your maroon, velvet dress. Your black tights keep your legs somewhat warm. Your feet are already killing you due to all the walking in your heels.

"Let's go girls!" Tooru leads the way. You follow behind the group as you walk up the stairs. Soft piano music makes way through your ears, making you calm. The soft breeze of the night felt good against your skin.

"Why did you guys stop?" You ask suddenly once the girls stop their tracks. You are now on the rooftop where the restaurant is, but no people could be seen.

Ochaco turns around and grabs your hands, "Close your eyes, there's a surprise for you up ahead." She says. You narrow your eyes before closing them, "Should I be afraid?"

"No! You'll love it!" Mina helps you walk forward. After taking a few steps she stops.

"Okay open your eyes!"

You slowly open them and they immediately widen at the sight in front of you.

"Wha—" You start stammering. In front of you was Katsuki in a white button down shirt with black slacks. Roses all around him in the shape of a heart. The piano man next to him, still playing a lovely song. The fairy lights are shining down on him. You also notice the navy, velvet box in his hand.

You turn around and notice that the girls were gone. As you turn back around, Katsuki was already in front of you.

"Katsuki." You whisper. Your mouth continues to stay open. He chuckles and lifts your jaw up to close your mouth.

He takes a deep breath before talking, "(Y/N), we've known each other our whole lives. I remember seeing you for the first time and thinking to myself how beautiful you are."

Your heart beat goes faster and faster with each sentence he says. You cover your mouth to prevent sobs from coming out.

He continues, "When you left for those seven years, it tore me apart. I thought I would never see you again." He takes another deep breath, "When you came back...I felt something I never felt before, and that's love."

Tears fall from your eyes as he bends down on one knee with the velvet box raised, "Ever since you came back, I knew I had to make you mine. When we finally became one, it felt like I got a new part of me. We've been through so much shit together and even broke up for a while, but faith brought us together again. I wouldn't want to go through anything without you. You're the light of my life and I love you so fucking much, so...will you marry me?"

A sob escapes from your lips as you nod furiously, "Yes Katsuki, I will."

He places the ring on your finger and kisses you passionately on the lips. You wrap your arms around his neck and pull him closer. Happy tears escape from your eyes.

Once you pull away, loud cheering causes you to jump. You spin around and see all your friends cheering for you and Katsuki. Your smile grows wider as you see some of your old teachers there, and Kai.

You turn back to Katsuki and peck his lips, "I love you so much."

"I love you more." He smirks and leans in to kiss you again.

"Damn y'all kiss so much!" Denki shouts, ruining the moment. You pull away while laughing. Katsuki growls, "SHUT UP SPARKY! STOP TRYING TO RUIN THE MOMENT!"

You smile and lean your head against his chest, watching the two bicker.

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