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"You okay?" Katsuki caresses my face. I lay down on my bed and nod, "Yeah, I'm okay."

He frowns and runs his hands through my hair, "Why don't we go out somewhere? To get your mind off him for a while?"

"I appreciate the offer, but I'd rather just stay here." I cuddle the pillow. Katsuki sighs and moves me over so that he can lay besides me. He wraps his arms around me and kisses my temple, "I love you."

I smile, "I love you too."


"I love the hot springs!" Mina sighs happily and leans back. The girls and I are currently in the hot springs. Katsuki went to go workout with Eijirou.

"I wish I could stay here forever!" Ochaco adds.

"Me too! What about you (Y/N)?" Momo taps my shoulder. I snap out of my daydream, "Huh?"

The girls frown, "Are you still upset about Kai?" Ochaco asks. I rub my forearm, "I just miss him, that's all."

"It'll be okay. What you need is a girls night!" Tooru tell me. I chuckle softly, "Aren't we already having one?"

"Yeah, but there's a lot more we could do besides bathing." Kyoka says.

"Like watch movies and eat lots of snacks!" Mina squeals with excitement. Tsu places her finger on her chin, "That does sound fun. What do you say (Y/N)?"

I think for a moment, then smile, "How could I say no to you guys."

Katsuki's POV

"He gave you that bracelet huh? So manly!" Kirishima examines the bracelet that Kai gave me. Kaminari snickers, "Didn't think you were one to wear jewelry Bakugou!"

I glare at him, "It was made by someone special...that's why I'm wearing it dunce face!"

Sero elbows Kaminari with frustration, "Quit laughing man! Kai meant a lot to Bakugou and (Y/N)."

"Can we change the subject now?!" I grab a pair of weights and start lifting them. Kirishima gets on the floor and starts doing push-ups, "Well what do you wanna talk about?"

"How about we talk about you and (Y/N) in the bedroom—AGH!" Sero elbows Kaminari again. I groan as my palms start to sweat, "If you don't shut up I'll blast your face off!"

Kaminari raises his hands in defense, "Okay sorry." He starts to work on the treadmill.

"Speaking of (Y/N) how is she? I haven't spoken to her since Kai left this morning." Kirishima asks whilst still doing push-ups. I drop the weights I was using and grab heavier ones, "She's still upset, but she'll be fine." I grunt as I start to lift the weights.

"Why don't you take her on a date?" Sero asks.

"Already tried that, she doesn't want to go anywhere." I grunt again.

Kirishima flips himself over and started doing sit-ups, "You should've told her to come workout with us."

"Do you could stare at her ass—OW! STOP HITTING ME!" Kaminari elbows Sero back. Kirishima shakes his head, "Anyway, I just hope that she'll be okay."

"She will be, don't worry." I say to him. He nods and continues to do sit-ups.


Sorry it's been a while and sorry this is a really short chapter. I start school tomorrow and I just finished my summer job. I'll do my best to update since this book and very close to ending.

Thank you for your patience!

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