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"Try to show some excitement Katsuki!"

"Shut up you idiot!" Katsuki yells while putting his hero costume on. He was currently getting ready for his internship with Best Jeanist. I watch him as he puts his boots on.

"You know your hero costume makes your tits pop out." I snicker while eyeing his chest. Katsuki raises an eyebrow and looks down at my chest, "I could say the same about you."

I blush and cover my unexposed chest, "Don't make me pinch you."

He walks closer so that he was towering over me, "That body suit really brings out your curves." He runs his hands down my body. I shiver and bite my lip, "You're going to be late."

"We'll continue this later then." Katsuki winks. I cup my cheeks, feeling the heat radiating.

"I'll text you later." He kisses my forehead and walks away.

Today was my last day with Lightning. Everyone else left for their internships already. Kai was in school at the moment.

My phone buzzes in my pocket. I pick it up and see a text from Lightning asking where I am. I text her back saying that I was on my way to her agency.


"HAHA! HOLY CRAP BAKUGOU! WHAT'S UP WITH YOUR HAIR?!" Eijirou and Sero laugh uncontrollably at the angry blond boy. Katsuki has steam coming out of his ears, "My hair got used to this and I cant get it back the right way. I'll kill you both!" He shakes with fury. I walk over to him and ruffle his perfectly combed hair, "I think you look adorable."

"WHAT A PRETTY BOY!" Sero teases. Katsuki screams and his hair poofs back to its original state, "WHAT DID YOU CALL ME?!"

"Enough!" I slap his head. He growls and glares at me. I laugh, "At least your hair is back to normal now!"

"Tch. Whatever. I'm going to go shower." He stomps towards the bathroom. I chuckle while watching walk away.

Might as well check on Kai. I think to myself as I make my way to my room. When I open the door I'm greeted with Kai doing his homework. He looks up at me and smiles.

"How are you feeling?" I sit next to him on my bed. He nods while writing, "I'm alright now, just catching up on homework."

"That's good. I was going to scold you about your homework whether you liked it or not." I chuckle. He lets out a little giggle, "I'm a good student (Y/N)."

"I know you are." I ruffle his hair. He focuses back on his math homework. I watch as he thinks hard, his pencil tapping against his chin.

"Do you need any help?" I glance at his paper. He didn't hesitate to nod. I take his paper and look at the question.

"Ah! This is easy!"

Katsuki's POV

I run the towel through my wet hair as I make my way to (Y/N)'s room. The moonlight from the window was my only source of light.

I hear voices as I was about to open the door. I place my ear against it and listen.

"Ah! This is easy!" (Y/N) speaks. She must be with Kai.

I slowly open the door and lean against the door frame. Neither (Y/N) or Kai noticed my appearance. A small smile settles on my face as I watch her help Kai with his homework. Her eyes bright as she shows him how to solve the math problem. I look at Kai, who was looking at her with admiration. My eyes move back to (Y/N) and my smile only grew wider. A tingly feeling in my stomach made me happy.

I'm so in love with this girl.

(Y/N)'s POV

"Who the hell does homework this late at night?" A deep voice interrupts me. Kai and I jump at his deep vocals. Katsuki stood in the doorway with his arms crossed.

"Relax I was just helping him." I say to him. Katsuki walks over and sits on the other side of Kai. He looks at one of the problems and points at it, "This one is wrong."

I raise an eyebrow, "Huh? No it isn't." I chuckle. Katsuki groans and grabs the pencil from my hand. He does the math problem himself and the outcome was completely different than mine.

"You have to use a different method." He drops the pencil onto the paper. I look at his work and scoff, "That's not the way I do it."

Katsuki rolls his eyes, "Then you've been doing it wrong!"

My eyes narrow at him, "Your way is wrong! How the hell did you get sixty-nine?!"

"Because I did it the right way!" He raises his voice.

"Guys!" Kai separates us while laughing, "I'll just ask Mr. Aizawa tomorrow."

I sigh while letting out a laugh, "Sorry about that kiddo."

"No it's alright. It was funny." His fist covers his mouth while laughing.

"You should get to bed, it's late." Katsuki pats his head. Kai nods and puts away his books. He then crawls onto his mattress and cuddles under the blankets. I tuck him in and kiss his forehead, "Goodnight Kai."

A light tint of pink was present on his cheeks, "Goodnight."

Before Katsuki and I could leave the room, Kai calls us again.

"Yes?" We turn to him. He looks at us with a loving smile, "Thank you for taking care of me. You guys are the best."

My heart flutters, "No problem. I'm glad you're happy."

Katsuki wraps an arm around me and pulls me out the room, "See you in the morning kid." And with that he closes door. I turn to Katsuki and notice that his face was red.

"Aw why are you blushing?" I pinch his cheek. He growls and slaps my hand away, "Shut up."

"KATSUKI!" I yelp as he suddenly throws me over his shoulder and drops me onto his bed. He hovers over me and kisses me deeply.

"You're face is still red." I say once he pulls away. He makes a sound with his teeth and lies down next to me. He places his arm over his red face.

"It's just that...you act like we're parents or something." He trails off. His gaze was set on the ceiling. I roll over to his side and snuggle into his chest.

"I just want him to be happy Katsuki, I mean he lost his parents. I wanted to give him a home."

He sighs and pulls me closer, "When we have a kid of our own, I'll teach him to become the next number one hero."

I blush this time, "We're still young! We have a long while to wait until that day comes." I glance at my promise ring.

"And I cannot wait for that day." Katsuki kisses the top of my head. I burry my face in his chest and wait for sleep to take over.

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