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I make it through an hour of pointless topics and dealing with people I don't belong with.

When one hour hits, I leave. I do so in a sneaky way so no one notices. I wait until Noel has gone to the washroom. Until Cole, Tristan, and Mariana are playing a game of pool. Before exiting the pub, I pay my bill.

Outside, the air cools my heated cheeks. I take a deep breath.

Going out with them was a mistake. Why did I think I owed Noel anything? I'm his lab partner, for God's sake!

Being judgemental is wrong. But there's only so much I can handle. Tristan pissed me off tonight. She's dating Cole to get closer to Noel. I can tell by her flirting. No matter how many times Noel pushes her away, she rebounds. I wonder if Cole notices.

Having a man like Cole beside me... God. I'd do anything to have Aaron back. I glance at the empty air beside me. My gaze falls on the cement. I can't believe Tristan is imprudent enough to ignore Cole's kindness. She's pining over his best friend. Not him. It makes me sick.

Speaking of Cole... he's the only one I could handle spending time with. He's sweet and respectful. His British humour is quite entertaining. Even if some of the sayings he uses are strange to my ears. Mariana isn't bad, either. She's well-reserved and stays fairly quiet.

However... None of them are very aware. Noel shut down my opinion. He was ignorant, and no one stood up for me. It disappointed me. I thought Cole would. Or at least Mariana.

Noel and his passive-arrogance infuriates me. He's charming in one breath. In the next, he's self-absorbed. He's quick to input his opinion on everything, as if it overpowers anyone else's. We're all entitled to our own opinions... so long as we respect the other person's.

There was never a chance for me to back up my statement. I didn't elaborate on my views on the concept of pain. He skimmed over my opinion. His tone basically confirmed his opinion meant more. Disagreements are allowed. You still have to respect each other, though. My beliefs are from personal experience.

Sighing, I sling my purse over my shoulder and head down the sidewalk. The sidewalks are littered with decaying leaves, and the air is bitter. I wouldn't be surprised if it started to snow.

When I'm with the three of them, I feel even more dysfunctional than I already am. My mind can't handle the attention or the conversations and how quickly they change. It's overwhelming for me. Coming here was a mistake. I knew they weren't my people.

This mistake is all my fault. People say we attract people that are like ourselves. And God knows I'm a dysfunctional disaster.

Another thing I can't stand is that they waste their time on pointless topics. They discuss topics that have been generalized and embedded into our heads as conversation topics. When I talk to people, I want to know what keeps you up at night. I want to know your fears. Something that means the world to you. I want to know that person for who they really are.

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