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I press my back against the wall, watching as Jack and Cole lean over Noel's unconscious body. Their words are incoherent. Nothing but confusing syllables and deep undertones to my ears.

Cole presses his fingers against Noel's neck, checking for a pulse. The grim expression on his face eases, but not enough to soothe the worry blooming in my gut.

The confusion clouding my mind.

This situation makes little sense.

Noel and I were having a good day. Things were going well until... until I told him my story. Shame burns in my gut.

Somehow, this is my fault. Something I said must've sent Noel spinning. I'm just unsure of what.

But I'm not here to suffer from shame or guilt. Although my heart hurts, I'm here to be a friend and offer support.

Pushing off of the wall, I walk up to them. "Is... is there anything I can do?" I offer.

Seeing Noel on his back, unconscious, makes my stomach churn. It's triggering. Although there's no blood leaking from injuries and he's not suspended by a seatbelt, Noel still reminds me of the unconscious bodies that were surrounding me in the vehicle. For that brief moment I was awake in the vehicle, I saw their bodies. Noel looks just as pale. 

Almost like death. 

I close my eyes and take a deep breath, reminding myself Noel isn't dead. He's unconscious. I'll be able to talk to him once he wakes up.

When I've centred myself, I open my eyes. The first thing I notice is Jack glaring at me. He's standing now, attempting to look intimidating.

All I see is a broken man.

"What can you do?" he seethes. His brown eyes are bright with anger. "You've done enough, little girl."

I flinch, as though I've been slapped.

"Jack!" Cole snaps. "You're not allowed to disrespect her! Bloody asshole! She is just as important as Noel."

Jack turns to Cole, and their yelling match continues. My gaze focuses on Noel.

This reminds me of a hockey game, after a player is injured. He'll lay on the ice. The surrounding players will continue to fight, ignoring the body at their feet. They're careless and can only focus on fighting to gain retribution. 

"What the fuck do you expect me to do?" Jack yells. "She's the reason Noel is like this. Everything is her fault."

Jack's words piss me off. I close the space between us and jab him in the chest with my pointer finger. "This is not my fault. I have done more for your grandson than you ever have. Is it sickening to see him happy? Am I a threat to you? He's ashamed of you, Jack. You're a fucking drunk. Just like his father. Now can we just stop this arguing and take care of Noel?"

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