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There's a barrier between Noel and I. As much as I wanted him to take me to bed, I can't be real with him. The truth needs to be told first. He needs to know what's happened in my life. About all the baggage I carry. Before we commit to something more than... than whatever we are right now.

I want to love someone like I loved Aaron.


Love isn't unconditional. There are prices. You give and you take. Relationships require work when things are difficult. Sometimes, you fight.

I want what I have with Noel to be real.

Instead of feeling like an imposter, I want everything out on the table. He deserves to know. Plus, I trust him.

Noel's proved me wrong time and time again. When I first met him, I thought he was shallow and arrogant. I was wrong. He's thoughtful. Complex. He's empathetic and never pushes for more.

We respect each other, and I believe we need to embrace these emotions.

Since the accident, I've been afraid of taking risks. All relationships come with a risk. But isn't that where the magic lies? You dive in, offering your heart to someone you love and trust.

Warmth fills my chest as I slip the salmon into the oven. I'm afraid to tell Noel, but I also feel liberated. Wanting to tell someone my story means I'm healing. Unlike my encounter with Cole or the pressures I felt with Daisy, this is a genuine choice.

A familiar burn fills my nose. I shake my head, turning my attention to the salad. No. I refuse to cry. Even if these tears are happy, I don't want to ruin my mascara. I'll cry these happy tears later. Right now, I want to feel high on life.

My guests will be here any minute.

Surveying the area once more, I'm pleased with what I see. Everything is in place. The table is set. It's too small to carry the food and plates, so I'm setting up the food on the island. After everyone dishes up, we'll sit at the table.

Aside from the salmon, everything's ready to go. After Noel left this morning, I made myself busy by continuing to prep and also icing the cake. Then I set everything up. Bottles of sparkling water and a pitcher of lemonade sit in the middle of the table. As does a bouquet of wildflowers. I picked the flowers while I went on a stroll through the pasture. Buttercup and Blaze followed me from a distance. It was an interesting interaction.

Jus then, there's a knock on the door. Noel knows they're welcome to just step in. I appreciate his knock, though. It's an announcement, warning me of their arrival.

I smooth my dress out. It's a simple blue maxi dress. The belt I bought with Daisy is cinched above my hips. My gold pendant necklace hangs low, complementing the V-neck style.

While their voices get louder, I make myself look busy by polishing the wine glasses. I found them in the back of the cupboard, dusty and coated with fingerprint smudges. After a good wash and some polishing, they look brand new.

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