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"Just saw Kinsley storming down the hall to the gym," Cole says as he enters the room. "Didn't even look at me. What the bloody hell did you do?"

I sigh, setting down my guitar. "Why do you always assume I did something to bother her?"

Cole snorts. "Because, mate, you are the only guy on campus that thinks pushing Kinsley is fun when she can be venomous." He shakes his head. "Still like that girl, though."

I roll my eyes. "I don't push her, bro. And she's not that venomous. She's just very passionate about getting her opinion across." 

I grin as I think back to the conversation we had about the movie. Kinsley is ruthless when you get her going. And while some guys would hate that about her, I like it. It means she's headstrong and very defensive about her beliefs. "Yeah," I add, cocking an eyebrow at him. "You like her. You like her a lot."

My friend clears his throat uncomfortably and turns back to unloading his backpack without responding to me. To be honest, I'm a little jealous that he's gotten along better with Kinsley than I have. No matter what I do, she seems to get along better with Cole than I do. Sometimes it seems like they're more than friends, but Cole has told me many times that they're just friends.

Still, I feel that twinge of jealousy. I shouldn't – that's high school shit. But I can't help it. Kinsley is something else and I want her.

With that thought, I think back to what happened in class earlier. Flipping my notebook shut, I sit up and tell Cole everything that happened. "She was rude about it, man," I say, running a hand through my hair. "I'm just trying to help. I know she doesn't want to fail."

"You shouldn't have done that," Cole blurts.

I frown. "Why not?"

He stares at me, his green eyes wide and alarmed. He opens his mouth and closes it.

"Why not?" I repeat.

"B-because," he stutters, "because she's not someone you want to associate yourself with. She's been through a lot, and trust me when I say she will hurt you in the end."

My frown deepens. What gives him the right to dictate how a possible relationship between Kinsley and I would go? Sure, she's a different duck, but that doesn't mean she doesn't have a personality beneath that hard shell she uses to protect herself. Personally, I think we would do great together. "What, are you suddenly some clairvoyant weirdo now? What does my future look like, mate? Got anything else to say to me?"

Cole's intense look deepens. "Mate, you're a few sandwiches short of a bloody picnic. Can't you see that she's just not into dating? That's what I mean when I say she will hurt you." He pauses, pressing the heel of his hand into his forehead, and then sighs. "Just don't get your hopes up, okay, mate? I wouldn't recommend dating her or inviting her to stay at the farm."

I stare at him. I know that Kinsley isn't keen on dating, but people can change. If she would just give me a chance outside of class, I know we would get along. Deep down, I have this feeling that, despite our drastic differences, we have some similarities that could ignite something between us.

Still, I don't doubt that it won't be hard to get on her good side. She's headstrong and knows what she wants.

"Fine," I say, leaning back against my pillow. "I won't get my hopes up about having a shot with her. But I'm not taking back my offer. She needs the work in order to graduate and earn a degree."

While Cole still looks like he's upset with my answer beneath the surface, he tensely nods his head and goes back to unloading his books.

This is the first time Cole has ever stood up to me about dating a girl, let alone defended her. I thought he would at least be on my side about how rude Kinsley was when I offered a solution to her problem, but I was obviously wrong about that.

I feel like I should be pissed at Cole for supporting her, but his carefully chosen words have only spiked my interest. I always figured something happened to Kinsley, that she has multiple skeletons hiding in her closet, and Cole's attitude toward her has only made me think that my assumptions are true. 

So the big question is, what does Cole know about Kinsley that I don't?

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