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With two more weeks until the winter holidays, I didn't think I'd be here.

Bloody hell.

I sit with my face in my hands. I'm in Tristan's dorm room. Her roommate is nowhere to be seen. Either Kinsley's discarding Noel's body somewhere in the fields or they're getting along. The latter doesn't make any bloody sense, but I'm hoping.

Pinching the bridge of my nose, I glance at Tristan. "You expect me to believe your lies? I see the way you look at him."

Tristan and I are fighting again. Which is not a surprise. 

Am I jealous of my best mate? No. Am I upset with my girlfriend for her continuous efforts to flirt with him? Yes.

Tristan throws her hands up in the air. "What am I supposed to say to you, Cole?"

I sigh, feeling as though I've run a marathon. No matter what I say, Tristan continues to avoid the truth. Our outing with Kinsley, Mariana, and Noel was the last straw. Until Noel followed Kinsley out the door, Tristan was focused on him.

With Noel and Kinsley out on their little date, tonight seemed like a good time to discuss Tristan and I's relationship.

"I want you to tell me the truth. Do you have feelings for me?" I ask. "Or are you pining over Noel? Was I a way to get closer to him? Be honest with me, Tristan."

She draws her bottom lip between her teeth. My shoulders sag. She's looking at anything but me. It's a typical action that occurs when she's lying—or trying to lie.

"Cole..." She knocks her foot against the frame of the bed. "You're putting me in an unfair situation. You can't just corner me!"

Feeling shaky, I climb to my feet. I should've known better.

I'm a bloody fool. This isn't the first time I've been used. Women—not all, but some—have a habit of using me to get closer to Noel. Who wouldn't? Noel's a rising country star. Never will I place the blame on him. He never reciprocates to their efforts. Just like I will never continue to play the game. Each time I realize they're using me, I end the relationship. 

"We're done, Tristan," I say. My heart is heavy.

Pushing past Tristan, I grip the door handle. Why didn't I see her motives sooner rather than later? It's almost like she ramped them up after Kinsley stepped in. After Noel showed interest in her.

Tristan grabs my bicep, spinning me around. Her cheeks are stained with tears. "I don't want Noel," she chokes. "I want you."

I stare at Tristan. She's gorgeous, smart, and funny. Genuine. My thumb itches to caress the freckles dotting her cheekbones.

But I refuse to do this to myself any longer.

My eyes search her face. I can feel the pleading look on my face. "Tell me the truth, Tris. I deserve that much."

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