Extreme Aggressor

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"Anyone recognize these faces?" Gideon asked as he went through a slide of pictures.

"Victims of the footpath killer," a woman answered

"That's what Virginia newspapers are calling him. We refer to him as the unknown subject or unsub. I told Virginia P.D...we're looking for a white male in his 20s...who owns an American-made truck in disrepair. Works a menial job. I told 'em when you find him...don't be surprised to hear him speak with a severe stutter,"

A woman raised her hand "Not to sound skeptical, but come on...a stutter?"

"Where'd the murders occur? Hiking paths. Isolated. If I'm a killer who has to use an immediate application of overpowering force, even out in the middle of nowhere, I lack confidence. I can't charm them into my car as Ted Bundy did. I can't because I am ashamed of something,"

Samarra looked up as the door opened and Reid motioned for her to come with him.

"Excuse me," Gideon told the class as he and the teen followed Reid out into the hallway.

"They're calling him the Seattle Strangler. 4 victims in 4 months," Reid explained "He keeps 'em alive 7 days. The handle serves as a crank,"

"Allowing him to control the rate of suffocation,"

"To prolong it?"

"To enjoy it," Samarra said

"Seattle's hit a wall?" Gideon questioned

"Physical evidence is nonexistent. There are no tangible leads," Reid replied

"And another girl is missing," the trio entered his office "I looked the case file over. I'll get some thoughts to you ASAP,"

"You're gonna be with us in Seattle ASAP," Hotchner said as he entered the room.

Samarra smiling when Morgan followed after.

"23-Year-Old Heather Woodland," Morgan said as he handed Gideon a picture

"Before she left for lunch, she downloaded an email with a time-delayed virus attached. The killer's virus wiped her hard drive and left this on the screen," Hotchner handed Gideon another sheet of paper.

"'For heaven's sake, catch me before I kill more. I cannot control myself.'" Gideon read

"He never keeps them for more than 7 days, which means we have fewer than 36 hours to find her,"

"They want you back in the saddle." Morgan said, "You ready?"

"Looks like medical leave's over, boss," Reid said

"They sure they want me?" Gideon asked

Hotchner nodded "The order came from the director,"

"Then we'd better get started,"

Special Agent Angel (Criminal Minds fanfiction) [Season 1]Where stories live. Discover now