My Generation Will

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My generation will be better

Trump, go build that wall while you can because we are going to tear it down later.

The thing is when we are all adults, we will have power positions and because everyone now is too busy trying to stop the millennials they don't see us coming.

Go on. Make some dumbass laws but place a rule over LGBTQIA+ stuff and we will fix that too.

I'm not saying Millennials or Gen Xers or Baby boomers aren't good, I believe some are. But we won't become the adults to call the new generations like the Alpha generation LaZy and stupid.

Go on. Fuck up the country and place us in even more debt than we an. We will fix that too.

And the water issues that the government has selectively ignored? Already figuring out ways to get them access and funding for clean, safe water.

Orphans? I know thirty people who aren't even 17 yet planning on adopting 1-3 kids each, maybe even 4 if there's a set of siblings they can't leave. They're gonna have a home.

We are inventing new jobs and ideas and Hell we are even figuring out how to fix our education system as we speak because nobody else will.

If you want I can write a long chapter about how to fix it (for the majority of places where they don't allow mental health days and super long days and just a ton of shit) And maybe we can work from there.






THATS WHAT THE WHOLE BOOK IS ABOUT! Or was supposed to be anyways. Gen Z will save the world because at this point, we have lived with so much chaos we are immune to it.

We've lived our whole lives knowing war and horror on the news, it's not as much a shock as it may be to people who haven't lived their whole lives happily until 9/11 or something ya know?

Like we CAN fix it because we have seen the ways people have tried and we know not to go those ways.

I could go on forever but I'm lazy and don't wanna type so imma go eat that off brand yogurt I found and froze earlier.

Why Gen Z Kids will fix the world- or at least help people know why it's brokenWhere stories live. Discover now