See The Good

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This is the first part of a poem I am writing for poetry slam. Because I am having block, please comment suggestions. 

See the good. 

I don't know about you, but I've heard that phrase too many times to count. All the times on the same day too. So I guess it's only fair to try it out. Let me walk you through what I see now that I hear the phrase and have it engraved in my mind.

See the good. Look at the kids playing hopscotch and basketball outside. They're smiling and laughing, running up and down the courts without a care in the world. That's good right? I see kids who have yet been shown what society outside the games is like. 

See the good. Look at the family eating happily in a restaurant. Upon first glance there is no doubt that that is good. Kudos to them however, because over 40 percent of parents divorce in the US. See the good though, right? 

Now let's look at a few things maybe we don't see the good in. The families barely eating and going to bed hungry. That's what I see good in, But don't attack me for that yet. 

I see good because they cherish what they have. They take their food happily where as we take it for granted and when we are hungry just go get it. 

They might not have much, but most are closer together and have better family meal conversations than us. Think about it. 

How many nights does everyone at your home get to the table at a reasonable time and sit down and eat and talk and discuss how your day was or what tests you took in school or how the work day was and what you plan for the weekend. How many times do you hear your families disagree? Maybe that's too forward a question. How many times do you have a full week, no arguments and everything just smooth sailing as far as the eye can see? 

I'm guessing by now I have your attention. Good can be taken as many different things depending on perspective. 

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