Instruction Manual.

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Kinda religious but I'm not ranting about God so like it's a okay.
I was at church today. The pastor was giving a Mother's Day thing and brought up a family with an infant/newborn. The pastor gave a little speech and then went and I quote "And here's a gift, a little instruction manual on how to control the kids to God." After dehumanizing these kids born into a religion with no real choice of their own, He dares to act like children are not humans but products.

Maybe you disagree, say being born into a religious life is good. Under the right circumstances a religious life could be amazing, but if it is enforced and enclosed and the child goes about these services like it's school because they've just always done it, that isn't THEIR religion. Not their decision. In order to get to Heaven, coming from a Christian's bible, it has to be YOUR choice. Not your family's. Not yet church's. If a young child who has no connection to god themselves dies, I like to believe God took them in.

The reason I'm holding onto this vague belief of a religion is because of my mother and my siblings. If there was no Heaven, no Valhalla, no nothing for them to be greeted into I don't think I could live with myself knowing one day they're going to die and that's the end of the story.

Another thing from the message today was that A) the Pastor is homophobic and B) he said that God is good and told us a story from the Bible about a slave woman who was impregnated and ran away and an Angel showed up and was all "no sis go back" and he claimed that this was God's mercy saving her. Maybe so, But I also feel like If god was really super good to humans he wouldn't give us the choice between Death or a still shitty but not as shitty situation. Does that make sense? Now I'm not a pastor, I don't study the Bible as much as I would like to because I struggle with the belief that God is good, So I don't think I have any right as a human to downsize something with that much power.

On another note I would like to say that I don't believe there is only one religion that goes to Heaven. That simply cannot be. I think it's all the religions that as long as they believe in a higher power that's it. Maybe it's different versions of the afterlife, maybe it's all the same. But I don't think we should separate like this.

Sorry, I'm trying to get all the religious stuff out in one chapter so you can skip it and never see it again.

Now onto the more supernatural stuff. I believe that spirits exist in this world because there are many mentions of both demons and angels showing up. You've heard stories of a person who has experienced something that has no other explanation.

This being said. This Holy Spirit we believe in MUST have an opposite roaming. The seven deadly sins? They don't come in thoughts or waves they come as vessels and people.

So yeah, I am 'scared' of the shadows and freaky stuff I see out of the corner of my eyes. When I think too much I see figures take place and when I say this it sounds like I'm schizophrenic but I'm not. I'm just saying, you won't encounter an Angel on the street with them yelling "Don't fear!" And covering themselves with their wings, but you will (probably) at one point know something isn't right.

Another thing I'd like to say, and this is the last one, is that I don't know about you but God can't stick with us forever right? Like to him shouldn't we just be mimicking dolls, playing out a story for him? I mean it's his plan right? Idk. I just, It's hard to have so much faith when you aren't even sure you're his top priority.

God created angels, and then one fell because God Couldn't control the power he'd given him. Which is terrifying given we have to believe God has a set plan. Break from that plan and what happens? That fallen angel became Lucifer, Satan, The Devil, you know the drill. So.. what happens next? I'm assuming this power he had he still has so what creations is he coming up with?

I'm not supposed to question God. I should be working to get closer to him. But I also feel like I shouldn't ignore this, like we shouldn't just let kids be known as packages that come with an instruction manual taped on top.

Have a nice Mother's day.

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