Police in America.

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Sis you better sit down for this rant because I've been thinking of it for awhile and THE TEA IS H O T

Police in America piss me off and here's why.

They fire at INNOCENT TEENAGERS and get away with it. UNARMED, YOUNG, INNOCENT, TEENAGERS. And that's crappy because Number one, There are around 3 police killings (police killing people) every day in the US. How many of those are innocent people? Better question, HOW MANY OF THESE PEOPLE ARE OF COLOR. THE RACISM WITH POLICE AND INNOCENT PEOPLE IS UNBELIEVABLE AND I REFUSE TO DENY IT AND LET SOME MIDDLEAGED WOMAN SIT BACK AND IGNORE THE CHAOS WRECKING AMERICA SAYING HOW GREAT IT IS.

Anton Black. Say his fucking name. This African American died after being 'stopped' by police. In the Eastern Shore town of Greensboro in Caroline County, black residents protested the hiring of a white police officer from Delaware, who in 2013 had been recorded on his dash cam kicking a black man in the jaw as he lay handcuffed on the ground.

Black residents were SCARED of this man and A few months later, the residents' worst fears caught up with them. Anton Black, a 19-year-old African American who was a former high school track and football star, budding actor and fashion model, died during an encounter with three white officers.  Moments after being tazered, police say Anton "began showing signs of medical distress." Officers administered Narcan and CPR. Anton later died at a nearby hospital. No police officer has been charged in connection with Anton's death, and no cause of death has been determined.

Now. Tell me how this isn't on them.


Funny isn't it? How Citizens are trained and expected to act calm when a gun is put upon them and they're forced to give money/whatever. But then police act on instinct and fire at any sign of trouble.

Soldiers in Iraq have to go through a checklist of things before firing their guns, exceptions being they are being fired at themselves. Doesn't matter if a car carrying a bomb is going at you, you can't pull the trigger unless the checklist gives reason to.

So why is it any different when
it comes to us police and people?

There's this boy who asked and proceeded to hug a police officer to show him not to be scared of him. That isn't cute, that is the fact that this child knows he is in more danger and seen as a threat to police because of his skin color. That right there shouldn't be happening.

So yeah. I am sick of police. Sure they do us good but at what cost? Certainly not an innocent persons LIFE.

Plus. On a lighter note. If you are murdered in America, there is a 1/3 chance police or fbi will not find your killer.

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