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Atheists aren't always bad people. They don't believe there is a god to help people so they step up and help out if the goodness of their wills. Ever think about that? Religious people often tend to say "may god be with you" and "I'll say a prayer" and go on about their day after giving them their sandwich. Atheists are more likely to give them the cash they have on them, any food they have and food they go buy after, Find them a safe spot, etc.

See? They aren't all bad people and shouldn't be considered so just because they don't believe the same stuff you do.

For example little kids believe in Fairies and Unicorns. Magic and Happy Endings all around. Santa, The Easter bunny, Why is it different when you grow up or go to church more?

But you don't consider every little kid a sinner that deserves a bad spot in hell, do you?

Atheists aren't bad.

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