The guardsmen

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"Hold the line!" The commissar yelled. 

Guardsmen of the Kreig Death Korp, Armageddon Steel Legion, Mordian Iron Guard and Catachan Jungle Fighters. They were together in a fight against the daemons of slaanesh and Khone were summoned. The regiments formed trenches, a bombardment blew up a large group of lesser deamons.

Originally, they had a mixed regiment training drills, near a Hive City, on 45-12. A Daemon army was summoned, and destroyed the city.

Hundreds charged forward, before the Mordian firing lines opened fire. Deamonettes and Bloodletters charged towards the lines.

The groups had 4 parts, building a large bunker, as they began to get surrounded, on one side. The Mordians and Krieg held the middle lines, The Steel legion held the right and Jungle Fighters defended the left.

The artillery fired fired constantly, blowing up deamons. before more appeared. Chaos Furies charged a line, breaking the trench, a Catachan Jungle Fighter cut a Deamon in half, before blasting it with flames.

"Our position is compromised! Legionaries! Take that bunker!" A Steel Legion Captain yelled, pointing at a bunker to the right, with no cover from the trench and bunker.

The Krieg Death Korp fixed bayonets and charged the Blood letters, stabbing into the daemons, shooting a handful and stabbing. The first few seconds had a promising look, but then Daemonetts charged in from behind. The Iron Guard was suddenly, they position was over run from, as the right flank was stretched thin, but claimed 2 bunkers.

Flames blasted through the left, as small numbers of Flamer Catachan Jungle Fighters burned the Daemons.

"I recommend we fall back to a more defensible position. The Death Korp is getting over run." A Modian captain yelled.

The area where the last of the Death Korp was got hit by heavy bombardment. The area was cleared, but any sign of life from the death Korp was missing.

"Ok, morons, I want you to go through those bodies, get any gear you can grab. Get into positions, and set up heavy weapons, got it?" A commissar yelled.

The group took position, setting up stubbers, and some mines were set. The Iron Guard were in their trench, shoulder to shoulder, ready to fight. The Steel Legion took position in the bunkers on the right flank, and others in the bunkers. The Jungle Fighters were on the Left, having a bunker set up.

The loud thumps were heard, as smoke cleared, a figure with a giant shield, wings and a spear. The figure attacked with hundreds of blood letters. The group attacked, thousands of them. They charged forward. The daemons charged in, reaching the trench, sections blowing up of them.

The Iron Guard shot and stabbed at the daemons, several dying as they fought in the tight conditions, but taking a handful of daemons as they fought. The Armageddon Steel Legion ran low on ammo, and was over run by daemons. The Jungle Fighters burned the daemons, trying to hold back the daemons, before the flamers and stubbers ran out of ammo. The last of the guardsmen died as the daemons when the artillery was over thrown. 

The Vehicles were over run by daemons as they were sent to retake the Hive City, with a major of heavy weapons.

4 guardsmen, were picked, to be in a world they were unsure of what would happen. The Emperor's light may not reach them, but Chaos's stench could.

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