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Jungle fighter, Iron Guard, Steel Legion and Death Korp were eating in the cafeteria. Team RWBY and JNPR sat across from them.

"Hey guys, so......we were wondering, how do you fight so well?" Ruby asked.

"Well, we all come from worlds that are living hells in their own special way." Jungle Fighters said.

"Ok, how is your world bad?" Blake asked.

"Well, besides, giant man eating plants, man eating animals, man killing plants, just an all around harsh environment, you get use to it and adapt to be a killing machine, and the whole knife thing, is how we show rank is most situations on base. And for the flying? I use to fly a few aircrafts in training, sometimes tanks." Catachan said.

"How about you?" Weiss asked, looking at Iron Guard.

"Think of it like this, you live in a city of a 100 million people people. Food is scares and at the very, very top, is a fat guy with more food you'll see in a your life time. Pretend to be that guy. People tend to riot, so, what do you do, send in the guards, but you don't want your guards too, so you put them and their families in better conditions. Now, after a few riots, the people either didn't get too much force, leading to riots, or had too much force, so what do you do, only have one force, a las gun on high power, but not high enough to kill, only leave a nasty burn." Iron guard said.

"That's what your home world?" she asked.

"Yep, enough tension to say something like "a honeybadger with a bottle of Nitroglycerin in it's ass, who set up a nest in the world supply of super weapons, and a bigger, slightly stronger, and viciously horny honeybadger finds the rear end of the first one." You get the image, poor planet, lot of people, not enough money all around."

"That's an image." Jaune said.

Everyone looked at Death Korp, he looked up, slightly confused.

"I guess I'm up next, well, civil war lead us to nuking planet enough to be called Atomicbombia, then we still fought. Planet is so bad we take short shifts, well, we're suppose to, but don't. Mass focus of troops to break enemy lines, you get the image. No names, just numbers, life ammo training, on occasion someone doesn't die a drill, but, most, well, they just have their name crossed off the list, gear taken and thrown into a mass grave, or we burn the bodies, which ever is faster." He said, going back to his cereal.

"Armageddon, a living hell is a nice thing to saw. Orks and Chaos are the average threat, next is the giant looming death portal of hell, then the people and finally the atmosphere, which is toxic due to industry. We get through life, some die, some idiots think sending people help, which is nice, when they don't die before days end. But yeah, living hell." Steel legion said.

The 8 looked confused and wide eye, mouth hanging open.

"How can a government do that?" Blake asked.

"Simple, emperor wills us to do so, he is our god, and he leads our destiny." Steel legion said.

"Jungle fighter, what was that story about the tau you fought?" Iron guard asked.

"Oh, ok, let me remember, here we go, so, I got sent to scout the area of a tau camp, damn no-noses built a town, and had set up walls. The tanks were still working through the trees and we didn't have any air or artillery, so, I took out my rocket launcher and blew the wall wider than the eye of terror in it. I then charged in with some Acadians I was sent with for some reason, and we killed a bunch of fire no-noses. Then, I found a water no-nose walks up to her, half dressed and she jumps on me, saying stuff like "I'm a big strong man, who would do great for the "greater-good", so, I tied her up to a bed and showed the greatest Good was  me not showing up." He said.

"What did you do?" Yang asked, slightly smirking.

"Well, I took out me big, heavy and hot tool and showed her what we guardsmen do best." Jungle fighter said.

"Which is?" Nora asked, having a bloody nose.

"I cooked her alive with a flamer." Jungle fighter said.

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