Pity the guardsmen

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The guardsmen got an alert on a map from the servo-skull, which, scared everyone. They got in a bull head, and prayed that the machine spirit would allow them safe travel. The bullhead took off and the guardsmen reached the area that was marked on the map.

Dropping down on ropes, Death Korp was still in the bull head, flying around the area.

The 3 other guardsmen walked around. Their guns ready. They reached a park and heard a chain saw like sound, then stomping, before finally Jungle fighter and Iron Guard were hit from behind by an 8 foot tall man covered in metal, with images of books plastered on his shoulder and papers with seals on the armor. He held a chain axe, and knocked down Steel Legion.

"I pity you guardsmen" he said

Steel Legion looked at the large man, a chaos space marine.

He fired at the Chaos space marine, only to have his arm pushed down and stepped on. Steel legion's arm cracked as his arm was stepped on by nearly 800 pounds

"A weak sack of flesh destined to die for a dead god that never cared, it spends it's pitiful life, alone in a fox hole, with nothing to keep his company or to keep him safe, than cheap, disposable equipment. Perhaps the glow of your lasgun barrel keeps you warm at night." he said, grabbing Steel legion's neck and held him up.

"Me? As a servant of the powers, I enjoy the delight of all this world and the warp has to offer. Power, it courses through my veins, the gift of the chaos gods will soon overtake me, and one day, I may even ascend. What has the guards to look forward to but a grim life? If he is lucky, perhaps he will feel nothing as my axe sends your souls to Khorne." the Word Bearer space marine said, getting his axe spinning.

"You lives for a corpse god and you shall join your god, as a corpse. I shall spare half a second to think of you, and your kind. But now, I shall only laugh, HAIL CHAOS!" the Space Marine said, pulling his chain axe back, before swinging, and it stopped.

Looking back, the Chaos space marine saw Jungle fighter, holding the ax.

"You would laugh, monster, but let me remind you." He said.

"With in this weak sack of meat and bone, uncared for by his god and wept for by none, beats a heart. A human heart, that carries with it the strength and courage of all mankind. Within this sack of meat, is ensconced the hope, the will and the fury of every man." Jungle fighter said, pulling out his shotgun and taking aim, shooting the marine in the head.

"Woman." he said, another blast to the head.

"and child from every corner of the imperium!" he said, grabbing his knife and stabbing it into the eye of the space marine.

The Marine screamed, pulling out the knife. Looking at the guardsmen, Steel Legion held his arm, Jungle fighter holstered his shot gun, and drawing his flamer.

"With this weak sack of meat, festooned in thin armor and weapons only strong in large numbers, beats the heart of men!" He yelled, blasting the marine in flames.

Now furious, the marine ran forward, slammed into Jungle fighter, slamming him into a wall. The flamer fell on the ground as Jungle Fighter spit out blood and his lunch. He stepped back, smiling as Jungle Fighter was out-cold.

"For 10 thousand years, the hearts of men have beaten, strongly in defiance of of your so called "powers". For 10 thousand years, the heat of men have stood united against the galaxy that despises them for no reason, save we had the audacity not to lay down and die!!" Steel legion, shooting a plasma bolt from his pistol.

The Space marine walked forward, before he was hit by a blast from a Melta gun. His back was melted slightly, but heated.

"For the 10 thousand years, youre black crusade has been pushed back, beaten down and made a mockery of, by weak sacks of flesh, with cheap weapons and disposable gear." Mordian said, spitting up blood.

As the chaos space marine walked forward across the street, there was a loud humming and Krieg jumped out, rolling out of the now crashing bullhead.

As the bullhead crashed, the Word bearer broke free from the wreckage.

"For that weak sack of flesh that you so gleefully mock is no super soldier, no immortal warrior, nor creature cursed by chaos, like you." Krieg said, struggling to stand up and holding his weapon.

"We are man! Imperial guardsmen drawn from some forgotten corners of the imperium to fight for his species and for the safety of the people he loves! We are farmers, factory workers, store keepers, a father, a brother a son, we are mere men!" Iron Guard said, stand up.

Steel Legion, Iron Guard, Death Korp and Jungle fighter stood up. They picked up their weapons. The Space marine removed his helmet, showing a demonic face.

"And against creatures like you, teeming and numberless, powered by the very will of thirsting gods, we hold the line! We held the line for 10 thousand years!" Jungle fighter said.

The 4 guardsmen pushed their guns against the marine's face.

"So, what is your excuse? Monster!" the 4 guardsmen asked.

The 4 opened fire, bullets, plasma, las and melta blasted through the head of the space marine. Jungle fighter walked over to his flamer and picked up the flamer. He burned the body of the space marine, destroying most of the body, leaving a steel shell of the armor.

"Great Emperor's holy light, we just killed a chaos space marine!" Steel Legion said.

"So, how do we get back to beacon?" Iron guard.

"I think a hospital is needed more. My arm is busted, Iron Guard is actually spitting blood, and Jungle Fighter is........." Krieg said.

"I can't feel my legs, or arms, I think I may have a concussion." Jungle fighter said.

"I'm more surprised your spine is still in one piece."

An ambulance arrived on scene, with team rwby arriving, surprised as they saw street with a crashed bullhead, a destroyed wall and a charged husk of armor.

"We will be borrowing this." Krieg said.

"what happened?" Yang asked.

"We did what we do best, we held the line." Steel legion said.

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