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Steel Legion stood in a defensive line, against a horde of orks. He and dozens of other steel legion guardsmen held their ground in hopes to stop the invasion of Orks. Orks ran out of the forest and crossed the river. Guardsmen fired at the Orks.

"DON'T GIVE THEM ANY GROUND!" the commissar yelled.

That commissar was shot by a shoota. The Stubber was overheating as they had no time to cool down. An ork ran forward, climbing on the barricade. Steel Legion shot the Ork, before they heard an engine reaving. Speed freekz sped by, shooting at the back of the Steel Legion. A Titan moved forward, tanks and other titans moved forward.

"We are moving back! TO Hive Hades!" The commander yelled.

The Steel Legion got in a damaged vehicles and fell back, shooting at speed freekz. They saw a large horde of Orks following behind them, the las guns doing little to thin the massive horde. A massive explosion went off after 30 minutes of running, blinding those who were shooting at the Orks.

Thousands of Orks, guardsmen and vehicles were destroyed as the Titans' reactors exploded. As Steel Legion looked back, he saw 2 giant orks fighting, and running at the man.

Steel Legion shot up from his bed, looking around, his body covered in sweat. He stood up and got dressed. He walked out of his room, and down the hall. Moving towards a large window, he looked out, the calm night was unusual to him, no bombardments, no attacks to wake him form the night, no screams of pain. 

As the sun rose, Armageddon looked up, seeing the outline of something in the distance, before vanishing. Everyone else got up and got dressed. The guardsmen, were dressed in their uniforms. Walking through the dorm. They moved to the mess hall, getting ready to eat.

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