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After a few days, and a hand full of surgeries to help Jungle fighter, Iron Guard and Steel legion, everyone was back at beacon. Sitting in their room, they heard a knocking. Iron guard and Jungle fighter took aim, as Death Korp opened the door. Ream RWBY and JNPR looked confused, as the 2 had their guns pointed at them.

"Stand down." Steel legion ordered.

The 2 lowered their guns and returned to what they were doing earlier.

"What is it?" Steel legion asked.

"We were curious, you said your did what you did best, and held the line, but what was it against, what do you fight?" Ruby asked.

The team looked surprised.

"Well, looks like we need to give a history lesson, let's talk about filthy Xenos." Steel legion said.

"Ok gather up, let's get our combined knowledge from experiences and see what we know." Jungle fighter said.

"Necrons are a good place to start. They are an old robotic enemy, they hit like a mother fucker, last time I saw one was a few deployments before the one that got us here. They are slow as hell, live in massive tombs, and hit like a tank. They are fairly tough too, though, they have mostly been dealt with, they pop up place to place, but nothing horrible." Mordian said.

"Orks, green, dumb, and for some idiotic reason, gets strong in numbers. My home world has been fighting them off for years, we have seen hives left barren, and faced things that just shouldn't work. It gets annoying to face, cause the bigger ones are tougher too." Steel legion explain.

"Eldar, pointy eared fellas. They have a lot of fancy looking tech, some of it's good, other is just dumb looking. They have some decent fighters at least, though, nothing a shot gun can't fix. Something about them bothers me though, they have a strong psychic ability, but never use them when I fought, One had a fancy staff, but I just stab the thing and it died." Jungle fighter said.

"Dark eldar, about the same as the other, but like being shot, I just go for the head, usually makes it easier to shut them up. I had a friend get taken to their home, came back as some weird thing obsessed with pain, poor guy, got shot first day back for not fearing the commissar." Death Korp explained.

"Chaos, we once had a city over run, bunch of Daemons, had to hold up in barracks, shot them as they got close, eventually we got it handled, but lot of low levels were hit hard, cleaned up granger problems though." Iron guard said.

"Traitors, found some once when fighting against the orcs, If our war wasn't bad enough. Most fall to Chaos, as a promise of power or something, 4 main types, disease, angry ones, planners and demonettes, had to help with chaos raises on occasion, bunch of idiots." Steel legion said.

"Tyranids. The perfect hunters. Big organic thing with massive organic ships, and a lot of bugs. Bunch of types and, they have a type, that blend in, before striking a planet, stripping it of all materials. I had to hunt one down, I spent 5 long weeks, trying to get the best shot, with nonane noticing." Jungle fighter said.

"Tau." Death Korp said.

"Bunch of spineless cowards." Iron guard said.

"Pathetic weakling seems." Jungle fighter commented.

"Blue no nosed creatures." Steel legion said.

"They claim they do things for the greater good, but won't even fight in hand to hand." Death Korp said.

"Underlying disgusting." Steel,legion said.

"There was a dark sense of dread in the room.

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