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Iron guard took aim with his Meltagun, while Steel legion rubbed dirt off his gas mask, showing a skull pattern on it. 8 teenagers jumped down, looking at the 4.

"Eldar?" Jungle fighter asked.

"I doubt they're orks." Iron guard commented.

"Not enough metal and skeleton to be Necrons." Death Korp said.

"Not the time idiots." Steel legion said.

The group got ready, Jungle fighter drew his knife, smiling like a mad man. Death Korp held his shovel, ready to fight. Steel Legion grabbed his Chain sword, smirking as it roared. Iron guard held his las pistol, taking aim at the group.

"Disable, don't kill." Steel legion said.

Jungle charged in, yelling, and slashed at a red head girl with a shield. She blocked the strike, before he kicked the girl, and was hit by a blond girl. Stumbling from the surprise attack, he turned, facing the 2 girls. The blonde tried to punch him, only to be punched in the face, stepped on and put under his boot.

"I've seen bugs with more fight than you!" He insulted, not lying however. The red head shot at him, before he threw his powersword at her, catching her off guard. He ran in, grabbed her by the throat, spun her around and slammed her into the ground, shooting a cloud of dust into the air.

Krieg was under heavy explosive and automatic fire from a girl with orange hair, and a boy in green. This was what he was way to use to, as a death korp member, he didn't even flinch as explosions got close to him.

"Really going light here." He said, turning and firing his Las gun, from behind a tree.

As the attack stopped, he charged in, taking his shovel out and hitting the girl on the head hard, as he dove to one side, and then grabbed the boys leg, pulling him down, and wrapped an arm around his throat, until he passed out.

Iron guard held out his power sword, he faced a girl in white, and a girl in black. The 2 ran at him, he blocked both, elegantly moving, blocking and striking the 2, he remained unscratched. As the girl in black shot at him, Iron guard shot at her, low enough to be hit and leave a small burn mark. He kicked the girl in white, before hitting her with the sword pommel.

"You have skill, but I have fought traitor Iron guard, they were tougher than you." He said.

Steel Legion had his chain sword's teeth cutting at the blonde boy's shield, before avoiding a shot from the girl with a hood. He took aim with his bolt pistol, shooting it and blowing a huge hole in a tree, missing the girl. He grabbed the shield, pulling it down, hitting the boy in the knees with his shield, then kneed him in the face. The girl spun, before she stopped, the chain sword creating sparks as it grinded against a Scythe.

He grabbed her good, pulled it over his head, and threw her down, stepping on her.

"Targets down, Jungle, tie them up." Steel said.

Jungle Fighter tied them all up, and waited.

Iron guard squatted, looking at them. He slapped each one awake, and tried to interrogate them, but failed, learning bits and pieces of info.

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