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"How would you like to take a test?" Ozpin asked.

"What would this test entail?" Steel legion asked.

"Just, going from a cliff, fighting your way through a grimm infested forest and come back after retrieving an artifact." Ozpin said.

"So....My average day but replace artifact with some poor cadian soldier who was stationed with us?" Jungle fighter asked.

"Sounds simple." Iron guard said.

Ozpin and the guardsmen move to a cliff. They stood on platforms and loaded their weapons. They launched off the cliff and flew through the sky. They looked down and saw a forest. They quickly approached, each a fair distance from the other.

Iron Guard made a graceful landing, stepping on tree branch and jumped up, slowing down, before he slowed down and he landed on a large tree branch. Drawing his Las pistol, he looked around, before jumping down.

Steel Legion drew his chainsword, and started the chain spinning. He cut into a tree and spun around, the chain teeth digging into the tree. As he looked around, putting his sword away and drawing his Las gun, scanning the area.

Death Korp simply stabbed his Las gun into a tree, and climbed down. Looking around, The Death Korp soldier walked around, seeing a black dog. The growling animal charged the guardsmen, before the wolf was stabbed, but not by the guardsmen, but by a large sword. The grimm faded, and a Blood letter was seen, smiling.

Jungle fighter simply jumped in the woods, he swung from a few trees slowing down and drew his shotgun. 

The sounds of Las gun fire was heard from the 3 other guardsmen.

"Must be those dumb animals." He said.

A blast of blue, yellow and green flames came from the jungle fighter's right side. He stood up and drew his flamer, blasting at the source of the flames. The 2 flames fought, in a battle of heat and power. The flames died and Jungle fighter saw a Flamer of tzeench.

Iron guard fired his Las gun, shooting the demonettes that approached him. 3 or 4 would come from the woods, before being killed by the las gun. He walked north, towards the randevu point. He fought to reach where the others would meet him. His melta gun on his back, his power sword in his hand. A daemonette charged, only to be stabbed and shot in the face 3 times.

Steel legion cut open a grimm, before shooting another with as plasma blast. He moved to the north, nearly at the meeting point.  A large shadow cast over him, but vanished as quick as it appeared. He reached the area, and looked around a small ruin with a set of regicide pieces.

Death Korp was in a bloody fight, shooting and stabbing the Blood letter, before finally cutting off the head. He ran through the woods, reaching the point, killing several grimm. He saw Steel Legion, walking up to him, they nodded.

Iron Guard reached the clearing, meeting the other 2, looking at the 2 others, he looked towards the woods. Hearing the rustling of trees. They saw Jungle Fighter walk out, ash was on his arms, and face.

"What took you so long?" Steel legion asked.

"Daemon flamer." Jungle fighter said.

Iron Guard took out his melta gun and took aim, firing and blasting a path through the woods. The 4 ran, avoiding the grimm, before finally reaching a large canyon. Seeing a large bird, they smiled.

-meanwhile in the atrium-

"This is insane, they fought those strange creatures like they are nothing." Weiss said.

"Their weapons are awesome!" Ruby said.

"They have some durability." Yang commented.

Blake was silent.

-back to the group-

The bird flew by, It grabbed Jungle Fighter and Death Korp. The 2 were able to break loose of the claws, cutting free of the claws, and  climbed the body of the giant bird. Jungle Fighter drew his knife and stabbed it into the head, and somehow used it as a joy stick.

"This is insane!" Death Korp yelled.

As Jungle fighter flew by, Iron guard and Steel legion jumped up, catching the wing and flew to the top of the cliff. Jumping off Iron guard fired the huge bird, cutting it in half.

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