The school

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Jungle fighter, Iron guard, Steel Legion and Death Korp stood on the aircraft, as they went to a large castle like building.

"Not a lot of gold." Krieg commented.

"Yeah, looks like an old building you'd see from the dark ages." Iron guard said.

The 4 watched, as they landed, they had their weapons, holstered, but melee weapon's ready.

"Now,would you be so kind as to follow me?" Ozpin asked.

The 4 followed, students walking around, in clothes that you would be looked down upon for wearing. The 4 walked into a lift, before reaching an office. They walked in, seeing gears over and under them. Ozpin sat down at his desk, and typed a short phrase in the computer. Video feeds pulled up, and he turned the screen to the 4.

"What is it you wish to see?" He asked.

"I wish to know if the people are worth the empire's resources." Steel legion said.

Watching video feeds, the 4 saw minor issues, until Iron guard saw a man in a white trench coat destroying stores.

"The criminals seem to be out of control, police seem to be lacking." Iron guard said.

"A little Krieg discipline would help." Death Korp said.

"I think the clearing of the black beasts would be useful first. The imperium could bombard forests to clear, then send several regiments of guardsmen to clear the stragglers." Jungle fighter said.

"That would be rather difficult, the Grimm have been killed for centuries, we have not found where they come from." Ozpin said.

"Well, then, We shall take it as a form of mission to path the way for the Imperium. Oh, and, if anyone talks about the forces of corruption, well..... they won't last long." Steel legion said, everyone grabbing their weapons, smiling evily, glowing a dark red light, showing black silhouette, with glowing red eyes.

"Oh yeah, I fixed a servo-skull I found, I guess the lights broken." Krieg said.

A skull with an optical lens over one socket, wires coming through the nose, eye and mouth of the skull with a small radio/camera on the left side of the head.

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