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The group waited, expecting someone to come to help the kids they captured.

"This is stupid, some one should have come to help them." Catachan said, sharpening his power sword.

"You're right, Krieg, you got anything?" Mordian said, rubbing his chin.

"Scanners are not picking up any movement." Krieg said, looking at a scanner.

Armageddon was looking at the small data pads they had, trying to get into them. As Catachan walked near, Armageddon looked at the guardsmen.

"Any luck figuring out their mutations?" He asked.

"Well, my flamer left a burn mark on the blonde, but she healed quickly. My best guess, they aura I guess in lack of any thing, that or the emperor is protecting them. Cuts heal, bruises vanish, sometimes not forming, not really sure what else I can do to test. Mordian wants the info so I can't shoot them, those dumb animals won't come close so I'm sitting here with a shit ton of weapons and nothing to use them on." Catachan said.

"Patience, contact has been sent, a distress call to be exact. We shall see who they send next." Armageddon said.

As the 4 waited, each student woke up.

-team RWBY and JNPR 3rd POV-

"So, how did we end up lime this." Ruby said.

"They are strong, and by aura's spent." Yang commented.

"So what's the plan?" Jaune asked.

"Anyone have a weapon?" Ren asked.

"I have an idea! Weiss, use a mark to launch me." Ruby said.

"Than what? They'll just capture you, besides, that guy in blue is watching us like a hawk." Weiss said.

"I haven't seen him blink." Blake said.

Everyone looked at the man in a blue uniform. He walked up to them, before crouching.

"Tell me, what planet is this." He asked, his face was serious, his eye lids were missing and he had 2 small set of dripping ports over his eyes, hydrating them.

"Remnant." Jaune said, as the man was close to his face.

"Where are you from?" He asked, licking his lips.

"Beacon huntsmen academy!" Jaune said, scared.

"Good, now, shut up and grow a pair, before I make you a servitor." He said.

Jaune went pale before passing out.

The other man in the grey great coat holding a device.

"I'm picking up movement, machine, same direction these kids came from." He said.

A bull head flew in, landing, with Ozpin walking out. The 4 drew their weapons, pointed at the head master.

"Greetings, I'm professor Ozpin, and I see you have 8 of my students, would you kindly let them go?" He asked.

"Why should we?" A man with a skull mask asked.

"Well, rather simple, how would you 4 care to join my academy?" He asked.

The 4 looked at the man.

"We won't, join you, we wish to see what the conditions of the human population is like first, we are willing to observe, but we don't act under you, we will act over you." The man with the skull mask said.

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