Possible idea

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Ok, this is a bit of a radical idea, but, I think Chaos isn't getting proper representation, so, I think, I may do a Chaos 40k RWBY story

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Ok, this is a bit of a radical idea, but, I think Chaos isn't getting proper representation, so, I think, I may do a Chaos 40k RWBY story.

Death guard (heavy weapons) like these guys
Thousand sons (mystical technics) like these guys
Iron Warriors (mechanical alterations) enjoy these guys
Emperor's children (XXXL dragon dildos, and drugs) dislike these
Nightlord (terror and stealth) my baby bat men
World eaters (violence and anger) my annoying cry babies
Word bearers (preach chaos and seers) meh, don't care or dislike
Black legion (shock troops and confusing) don't care
Alpha legion (spec-ops possibly loyal) still deciding

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