The Discovery

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(Sorry, book is suffering a minor rewrite, I'm removing the additional guardsmen, 4 is a good number, I'm not adding more)

A signal appeared in the woods, causing Ozpin to investigate, by sending 2 teams to investigate it. The guardsmen were sent, along with team RWBY. They were given their mission, and sent out to investigate. The 2 teams climbed into the bullheads, and waited.

Jungle fighter checked his flame thrower, while Steel legion held his pistol, Iron guard waited quietly, his melta gun next to him, while Death Korp tapped his foot, anxious.

"So, what do you think it could be?" Ruby asked.

"No clue, we had visual, but it's too blurry to get a clean outline." Steel legion said.

The bullhead stopped and hovered for a second, before the guardsmen fast roped down,neither the rest of team RWBY. Nearing the signal, everyone remained alert, preparing for a fight.

"Wait, it can't be....IT IS!" Steel legion yelled, excited.

The 4 Guardsmen ran forward, and smiled. Team RWBY caught up and were surprised.

"The Leman Russ Battle Tank!" Death Korp said.

Jungle fighter climbed in, the tank's back side door with his knife. He checked everywhere, and saw it was empty. Death Korp checked the engine, and then the fuel.

"She's good to go." He said.

Steel legion climbed onto the turret, smiling, taking the turret gunner's position. Death Korp sat in the driver seat, Iron Guard took the left gun turret, with jungle fighter on the forward gun. Team RWBY looked at them, before climbing in. They crouched on the floor, before the rank began to move. The soft hum of the engine as they moved forward, until eventually, reaching a clearing, and then, finally a road. The tank drove down the road until it was eventually stopped by police.

There was a knocking on the turret's hatch.

"Would you please explain where you got this and why it's on the road?" The officer asked.

"We got it from the woods, and we are returning to Beacon with it." Steel legion said, opening the hatch.

"Do you have a license to be driving a tank?" The officer asked.

"I do." Death Korp said, holding his hand out a small Port and showing a paper. The officer grabbed it, and looked at it confused.

"This soldier is permitted to operate the fallowing vehicles, authorized by the adeptus Mechanicus; Valkyries, Tauroxes, Chimeras, Leman Russ Battle tank's, Basilisks, Hydras and Bikes." Was writes on a card with the imperial Aquila on the back.

"Ok everyone out of the tank." The officer demanded.

-2 hours later-

The 2 teams were in a jail cell, with the tank impounded. Jungle fighter was tied up and attached to a hand truck. Everyone else was only in a cell.


"And in strange news, a tank was pulled over as 4 madmen and 4 girls, claiming to be going to Beacon were arrested." A news reporter said, before images of the 2 teams were shown.

"MY BABUES!" Tai yelled, as he saw yang and Ruby on the tv.

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