Lauren Jauregui (18) and Camila Jauregui (3) sisters from Miami.
Both of their parents were killed in a car wreck and Lauren is left to take care of her baby sister.
Going through the years the good and the bad.
Lauren had been a wreck since Camila now lived with Maria. She missed Mila and wanted nothing more than to see her baby sister. She hadn't been eating, barely sleeping at the very thought that her sister was gone. She felt like she had failed her. Normani, Ally, and Dinah were over often due to being worried about their best friend and they had to admit they missed the three-year-old too. Slowly but surely, Lauren slipped into a depressive state, but she could only hope that Camila was okay.
Camila cried as she was locked in the small closet, being thrown in there after she had accidentally dropped a drinking glass on the floor, making a mess. Maria had had enough with the girl, thinking of her as nothing but a nuisance.
Mila hated living with her evil Aunt. She thought of her as a living nightmare, and unfortunately, Maria wasn't the only problem; being in cahoots with a partner who would beat her up every second he got. Camila was living in constant fear, barely eating anything in the few days she's been there.
She was neglected, lacking in basic necessities such as a bed, having nothing but a pillow and her blankie for warmth. If Camila had an accident, she would leave her in her Pull-Ups for hours before finding the willingness to change her, resulting in terrible rashes. She cried often for her Lolo but was always met with yelling, and a harsh slap on the cheek. Meanwhile, Maria was enjoying the rich life, indulging in fancier, material things but not a penny to spend on Mila.
Camila had been away from Lauren for three days now and the girls wanted to help Lauren get out of her funk by planning an outing to take her mind off of everything that has happened, going to dinner then the club. Lauren sat at the table, picking at her food. "Can we leave now?" she protested. "No, we are all going to have fun," Ally scolded. "Ugh, fine" Lauren crossed her arms and slumped in her chair. No matter what, she wasn't going to enjoy herself.
They arrived at the club and the girls started to dance and have a good time. However, Lauren didn't participate, preferring to sit at one of the tables as she watched her friends dancing, occasionally cracking a smile from now and then to make her friends believe she was having a good time.
All in all, the night was pretty uneventful for her. Of course, there were those who tried to hit on her several times drunk or otherwise, but they were able to take a hint and leave her alone. It started to get really late, deciding to call it a night. She fumbled with her keys as she got into her situating herself in her seat ready to leave, glancing at the rearview mirror to see an empty seat, Camila's seat. It didn't feel the same without Camila sitting in her car seat in the back humming a little tune as she drove. Her heart sank as she thought about the little girl, Lauren wishing she could see her and make sure she was safe. An idea popped into her head, and luckily she knew Maria's address. She started the car and took off in a hurry while still being careful, as it was late. She knew it was past Camila's bedtime and she would probably be in bed but she didn't care; she just needed to see her.
Lauren arrived at the house, noting the fact that it was quite big. All the lights were on, signaling someone was home. She took a deep breath and exited her car, walking up the driveway but stopped when she heard crying. Pausing, she strained to hear where the cries came from, her eyes growing wide when she saw what was going on. She crept to the front window where she saw Camila on the ground sobbing and some guy (she couldn't make out the face because he was far away) holding a belt and aggressively whipping Camila.
Her eyes went wide as she took out her phone, dialing 9-1-1 and quickly explaining the situation and where it was taking place, before being told that they would send someone down immediately. Lauren was filled with rage. These monsters were hurting her baby sister and she knew damn well that they were not going to get away with it. She marched to the door knocking loudly, and Maria answered with a scowl on her face.
"Lauren, what a pleasant surprise." she quipped.
"Cut the bullshit. Where's Camila, I know you've been abusing her!" Lauren asked angrily.
"She's sleeping. And for the record, Brian and I have been nothing but amazing parents to Camila," as if right on cue Camila cried louder.
"I'll believe that when I see her, Wait Brian?" Lauren asked confused.
"I WANT MY LOLO!" Camila screamed as she tried to run away from Brian.
"Let me in, you bitch," she yelled trying to shove her way inside but Maria strongly pushed her out. She couldn't believe Brian would betray her like this.
Camila heard Lauren's voice and it was like music to her ears, the young girl began to put as much effort as she could to get up and run to the front door to meet Lauren. She had made it halfway before Brian came and scooped her up again, the girl screaming as she was thrown into the closet, the man locking her in. Her little fists pounded on the door tears streaming heavily down her face "LOLO!" she cried, becoming worked up.
Lauren and Maria were going back and forth bickering when they heard cops coming up the street. "Shit, she ratted us out," Maria cursed as she retreated into her house, yelling at the man in the house. "The cops are here! What the hell are we going to do?"
Lauren took this as an opportunity to find Camila. She heard wailing coming from the back hallway, searching the rooms and trying to identify where the cries were coming until she came across a small closet in the corner of a large bedroom the door had a padlock, and she knew immediately she was in there.
"LOLO!" Camila screamed. "Don't worry Mila, I'll get you out!" Lauren's eyes searched for anything that might break the lock and nothing caught her eye. Thinking on her feet she grabbed a bobby pin from her hair where she proceeded to try and pick the lock, thinking back to the familiar scenes from films or TV shows she has watched. After a minute, she was able to unlock it giving herself the silent victory as she took off the padlock.
"Mila, it's going to be okay," Lauren said relieved as the girl ran into her arms. "Lolo..." the girl whimpered. Suddenly, Lauren felt something hard hit her head, things going black as she was knocked out by Brian as he hit Lauren across the head with a frying pan. "NO!" Camila fell on top of her sister, holding her close. "Lolo! Wa-wake up!". Brian grabbed the crying girl as he and Maria ran for the back door and into the waiting vehicle, starting his car and driving off into the night, leaving Lauren in their wake.
The cops entered the home searching for the occupants, a detective finding Lauren on the ground. Medics were called in and she was placed on the stretcher before being taken to the hospital. During the ride, Lauren's eyes flickered open "Mila?" "Don't worry, the police are gonna find her," a young medic spoke. Lauren started to panic before it was replaced with silent determination and anger. Those bastards had her sister and she was going to save her, no matter the cost.
I have a new story out (Music is my medicine) Check it out!
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