Chapter 14 ~I don't like him~

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Lauren took Camila home after celebratory ice cream, giving Damian a goodbye hug, making Camila scowl as he departed. "So, nugget, that's Damian,"

"You're boyfriend," Camila said bluntly. Lauren's cheeks flushed red.

"W-Well, he's not my boyfriend...yet," Lauren reasoned. Camila squinted, looking at her sister with a confused look on her face.

'She wants to be in a relationship with him?' she thought sadly.

"Well, I'm hoping that he'll ask me to be his girlfriend on our date tomorrow night," The young girl stiffened. "H-He's taking you on a date tomorrow?" Camila's voice cracked.

"Yeah" Lauren replied, glancing at her sister with a look that could only be described as love struck. "He makes me really happy, Mila."

"Mhmm," Camila replied, not entirely convinced otherwise. "But, before I go I want you to meet him properly first," Lauren said. "That fair enough?" Camila breathed a quick sigh of relief. At least the person she was still close to still trusted her judgment. 


Camila laid in her bed with her iPad, as she messaged her best friend Shawn about the situation. 

S: Hey Mila, how's it going.

C: Alright, I guess...

S: U guess?

C: Well my sister is going on a date tonight and the guy seems sketchy...

S: Ooooooooo... someone's jealous 

C: Hush, I'm not jealous... I'm just looking out for Lauren...

S: Mhm, I know you Mila...

C: And what do you know Shawn?

S: You probably are gonna do something to Lauren's boy

C: ...Well, I wasn't till now...

S: ...

S: I gave you the idea didn't I?

C: Ur a great friend, Shawn...


The following evening, Dinah was asked by Lauren to come over and look after  Camila for the night as Ally had a date with Mateo and Normani had a night shift.

"Okay, so you know my number..." Lauren mumbled as she looked for something to wear, her makeup and hair done already with the help of Dinah.

"Duh," the latter piped up.

"Mila's bedtime is at 9. Anything else I'm missing?"

"No, I think you covered everything," Dinah replied. She could tell that her best friend was nervous. "Lauren?" the girl didn't respond, mumbling to herself. "Lauren!, Girl, chill!" Lauren squeaked in surprise at Dinah's words.

"There's nothing to worry about, Lo. I see the way Damian looks at you. You and him are going to have a great time. Nothing bad will happen, I assure you. Take deep and out," she instructed. Lauren did just that.

"Feel better?" Lauren nodded. "Good, now your man is about to get here, so you better finish up getting ready." Dinah pointed out that Lauren was still wrapped in a towel.

"Well, I haven't finished finding something to wear yet..." Lauren said, walking into her closet just as Camila skipped in

"Hey, Walz," Dinah greeted.

"Hi, DJ," Camila looked around making sure Lauren wasn't around. "I need your help," she whispered.

"With?" Dinah looked up from her phone.

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