Chapter 23: ~Changes~

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Everyone was beaming with excitement over the proposal
Lauren was the happiest she had ever been same as Damian. Camila spent the rest of the time almost clinging to Marco, she was too sad to be with her sister. They ended the night with fireworks the love birds sharing a kiss.

They made it back to Damian's parents' house and all were exhausted from walking, so all of them went to bed. They were leaving tomorrow anyway.

Camila hugged her bunny to her chest and softly cried,
most people would be happy after a proposal but she definitely was not feeling happy. It had always been her and Lauren against the world now she felt alone. All the possible scenarios played in her head. Damian and Lauren kicking her out, Damian and Lauren having kids. Lauren not having time for her was something she didn't want.


The next morning they had packed their things and said bye to Damian's family. Marco had a really good time with Camila over the weekend and he had to admit he didn't want the fun to end there.

"Camila?" he tapped her on the shoulder before she entered the car


He took out a piece of paper from his pocket "That's my Instagram and my phone number" he pointed "Just in case you want to talk or something" Marco shrugged

Camila smiled as she took the slip and hugged the boy "I'll talk to you soon," she got in the car waving the boy bye.


One long drive later the three made it back home, Camila basically racing inside with her stuff and going straight for her bedroom. She didn't want to talk to Lauren or Damian.

Lauren came behind her "Nugget is everything alright? You barely said anything during the drive home"

"I'm fine," she spoke in barely a mumble.

Lauren sighed, "I know when something is wrong Mila, please tell me"

"Lo, I said I'm fine" she had some attitude in her tone

The older sister was having none of that and just left it. She walked into her room where Damian was putting some of his clothes away.

"Hey is everything alright?"

"Something is clearly wrong with Camila, she would never give me an attitude like she just did"

"Maybe she's tired, she didn't rest the whole way here"

"yeah maybe, but that doesn't mean she has to have an attitude about it"


Lauren woke up Camila for school. It consisted of Lauren practically dragging Camila out of bed after a lot of back and forth between the two. She dropped her off at school even though she didn't like Camila's behaviour from the past 24 hours she still said a warm "I love you" as Camila exited the vehicle. The young girl would normally say it back but just slammed the door shut and walked into the school building. Okay, something was definitely wrong.

Lauren went to work but all day she couldn't help but think of Camila. Damian massaged his fiance's shoulders as she vented to him.

"She's obviously mad but at what? What could I have done for her to be mad at me for I mean she didn't even say 'I love you' to me this morning how low is that" she crossed her arms

"I think she's having trouble adjusting to us, it used to be just you and her and here I come ruining your relationship with her"

"No, It's not your fault if she's being petty about this that is all on her," Lauren reassured him.

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