Chapter 19: ~ Proposal ~

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The Holidays were very special to Lauren and Camila. They spent every single one together, each one with special traditions that they made. Christmas was a huge deal for them, as they would usually spend it together with Mateo, and the girls. But Lauren was especially excited to have Damian join them this time around.

A week before Christmas, everyone was called over to the Jauregui household, except for Ally by Mateo. All of Ally's best friends were gathered to talk about something he was really excited for.

"So, you are probably wondering why I called you all here," Mateo smiled.

"Yeah, what are you all doing in my house" Lauren cocked an eyebrow at her cousin.

Mateo ignored the question. "Well, as you know I and Ally have been together for some time now."
The girls nodded.

"And I want to propose to her," the cop revealed.

Mateo was met with gasps, followed by squeals of joy. "I agree, you both are so cute together!" Normani said happily.

"Now, the problem is I don't know how to propose, and I want to do some grand gesture."

"How about you take her on her picture-perfect date?" Normani suggested.

"I already did that for one year anniversary," Mateo frowned.

"Give the ring to her in a present on Christmas," Lauren proposed.

"No, this has to be done on the 21st, that's when I asked her to be my girlfriend,"

"Awwww..." Dinah gushed,

"Why don't you guys go ice skating?" Camila piped up.

Mateo's ears tuned into his younger cousin "Go on,"

"Well, you could bring her to the plaza? They have a pop-up ice rink there, and it's not gonna melt, considering we live in Miami. Just pop the question while you skate."


"Pretend to fall, and get down on one knee. Just, don't fall too hard."

"Wow, Mila, how do you know so much about this?"

Dinah ruffled her hair.

"I don't know," Camila shrugged.

"She knows a lot about love. I mean, don't you have a crush on Shawn?" Lauren nudged at her sister.

"What, no he's my best friend," Camila denied, her cheeks turning pink as she looked away from her sister's gaze.

Mateo didn't want his cousin to get more embarrassed so he put the attention back on himself. "This plan will work! Can you all help me prepare?"

The girls nodded. "We got you, Teo."


Camila went to bed that night with something weighing on her mind. Maybe she did like Shawn. The boy was cute, and they were best friends, but Camila can't go two minutes without absolutely falling into his perfect brown eyes. With that thought, Camila made her way to Lauren.


"Yeah, nugget, you okay? Is it the nightmares again,"

"No, um, how can you tell if you like someone,"

Lauren opened her mouth to answer, but then closed it. A questioning look crossed her features as she wondered why her sister would be asking such a question. "Well, whenever you're around them, they make your heart skip a beat just by their presence, or you have a feeling that you don't want to be where they aren't."

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