Chapter 25: ~Moment~

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1 month prior to the wedding

Dinah, Normani, and Ally were over
helping Lauren prepare details of the wedding. They were all busy but turned their attention to Lauren who let out a groan of frustration. Lauren was freaking out; she had just figured out the seating arrangements only to find out that more people were coming. She threw out her original plan and started a new one.

"Lo?" Normani tapped the stressed girl's shoulder

Lauren looked at her friend with fury in her eyes "what?"

"Maybe you should just relax, have a drink or something?" Normani suggested

"I can't just chill. We are 1 month away from the best day of my life, and everything is going wrong!"

"Dinah, can you go get our sweet Lauren some food before she explodes of more anger?" She massaged Lauren's shoulders

"I'll get right on it" Dinah left only to be replaced with Damian and Camila. Damian had just picked up Camila from school.

"Hi, DJ" Camila waved at the girl leaving "Where are you going?"

"I'm getting your sister some food before she erupts"

"Uh oh what happened this time?" Damian spoke

"More people are coming, better get in there Mani can only calm her down so much" with that the pair came rushing in

Damian made his way to his fiance immediately wrapping his arms around her "You okay?" he whispered

"This wedding is a disaster!" Lauren sobbed "First the florist cancelled our entire order next the photographer is doubled booked, and now more people are coming after I just finished the seating arrangements" she pouted

Damian smiled softly and cupped her cheek "hey everything will be okay, we'll figure everything out and have the best wedding ever"


"Promise" he pecked her lips

1 week prior to the wedding

"Come on Lauser!" Dinah called "The limo is here!" The friends were headed to Lauren's bachelorette party in Miami Beach and were running a little late.

Lauren was helping Camila get her stuff gathered for the night since she couldn't go with her to the party, she was gonna spend the night at Shawn's house. They both made their way downstairs with their bags and loaded them in the vehicle.

"Why can't I go with you guys?" Camila pouted

Normani tried to come up with a way to explain "It's an 18+ kinda party" she then winked at Lauren.

"Then why does Dinah get to go she's just as much of a kid then I am" Camila huffed

"That's just rude Walz" the poly shook her head

Lauren went to the door with Camila they were greeted by Shawn and his mom Karen "hi Mrs. Mendes" the older sister greeted "Now are you sure I can leave Camila here tonight?"

"Oh, of course, you just have fun tonight" Karen reassured

"Thank you," she kneeled so she could be at eye level with Mila "Now I want you to be good tonight, if you miss me too much don't hesitate to call me"

"I'll be good Lolo," the girl smiled at her sister

"Okay, now give me hug and kiss" they shared an embrace and Camila pecked Lauren's cheek

"Love you, Lo," Camila said before entering the house


The past few hours could be described as crazy. Once they got to the hotel they started at the pool to chill partaking in some drinks. Some drinks turned into a lot of drinks combined with food and a few male strippers. Yeah Crazy. Damian's bachelor party was very similar.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 27, 2020 ⏰

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