Lauren Jauregui (18) and Camila Jauregui (3) sisters from Miami.
Both of their parents were killed in a car wreck and Lauren is left to take care of her baby sister.
Going through the years the good and the bad.
Years have gone by since the encounter. Camila was now five years old and ready to enroll in school. However, Lauren had forgotten about applying her into school, and so left Camila with Ally for the day and raced to the nearest school to enroll her, a school that she attended when she was still a student.
She had to admit she felt like such an adult doing this, but she pictured doing this with her own kid, not her little sister. Walking into the building she saw that nothing changed much from when she went there. The hallway's looked the same but smaller and the secretaries still looked prehistoric. She laughed to herself but straightened herself out before approaching the front desk.
"Hello dear, what can I help you with?" a small woman with huge glasses spoke.
"I'm here to enroll my little sister for kindergarten?"
"Oh, I see, I'll let Mrs. Powell know,"
A moment later, she was invited into the office, greeting the principal and taking a seat.
"So it's my understanding that it's been 3 weeks since school started and your child-"
"Sister, my apologies. I don't know if we can just accept her here, especially since it's this late."
"Please there has to be a way," Lauren begged.
The principal paused, letting herself think about it. "Well, let me just check if we have room in one of the classes. If you'll just give me one moment,"
Lauren sat contently as Mrs. Powell typed something into her computer.
"Well, we do have an opening in Ms. Morgan's class, we can start her tomorrow if you'd like?"
"Tomorrow is perfect. Thank you so much," Lauren replied ecstatically.
Mrs. Powell sent Lauren off with some paperwork and a uniform for Camila to wear. Lauren then picked up Camila for them to go shopping for school supplies and other items she might need.
"Lolo, where are we going?" Camila squirmed in her car seat.
"Remember that big building we always pass by when I go to the hospital?"
Camila nodded.
"Well that's a school, it's a school that I went to."
"Yeah, it's a place where you get to learn, while I'm at work."
"But I like going to daycare." The young girl protested.
"I know, Babe, I promise this is better than daycare, you'll have fun and make new friends."
Camila shrugged and looked out the car window.
They arrived at the store and Lauren started with grabbing the necessities, while Camila just watched her sister throw stuff in the cart. The two came across backpacks and lunchboxes
"Go ahead, Mila, pick whatever you want."
Camila eyed the display until her eyes were drawn to a Lion King backpack and a bunny lunch bag.
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