Laugh it up girly

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Christian P.O.V

She seen she ran out on me. I broke her heart. I did not know what to do now. Should I call her and apologize or leave her alone because she probably hates me. When I seen the tears running down her eyes that killed me. When she said she did not want anything to do with me that ripped my heart out and stomped on it. I looked back to Abby. She was smiling her bitchy ass off. “Come here babe?” she said pulling my arm. Even though I was drugged, it was wearing off. “Fuck you” I told her pulling my arm out of her grasp. I heard her say “Shit it wore off”.

I got in to my car and left for my house.  My parents took advantage of me and Lisa being at a party so they went out for dinner. I went to my room. Just seeing her face again, I felt the tears rolling down my cheek. I have never felt this was for a girl. I texted her.

To: Alexis

From: Christian

I’m sorry. She put something in my drink that drugged me. I couldn’t stop her she kissed me. Babe I love you. I wouldn’t kiss an other girl on purpose. I’m sorry. I’m sorry. Please forgive me. I love you. I love you. I love you. Hopefully you will forgive me Alexis. I’m sorry.  I love you baby.

I pressed sent and rolled on to my face in the pillow for and waited for a reply. I drifted to sleep waiting for that reply. I had dreams, well replays of her running out wiping her tears and Abby’s dumb face when she seen Lexy running out. I tossed and turned. I couldn’t sleep properly.  I needed to see her I needed to hear her voice. Damn it what did I do? I am feeling guilty. I got in to the car and drove to her house.  I knocked on her door. Her mom answered the door when she seen it was me she said “How can you treat her like this? You don’t treat women like this Christian”

“Kaya you don’t understand”

“What don’t I understand?” she said in a whisper scream

“I was drugged the girl that I was kissing drugged me”

“Why didn’t u pull away huh? Now my daughter is heart broken, crying her self to sleep”

“As I said I was drugged I didn’t know what was going on”

“Good bye Christian”

“No Kaya-” She slammed the door in my face. I called Alexis but I blocked my number because I knew if I called her with my ID she won’t answer

“Hello?” she sniffled

“Hi” just hearing her voice made me cry

“What do u wants Christian?”

“I need to explain myself. I’m at your house. Your mom just slammed the door in my face”

“I heard”

“Please, I need to talk to you face to face Lex”

“Christian I cant”

“Is it you can’t or you wont?”

“I wont, I can’t face you after you kissed her.” She hung up the phone. Damn I really messed up.

Alexis P.O.V

“Alexis!” My mom called from downstairs. I rolled out of my bed. Thump landing on my face. I looked in my mirror. I looked like some hobo. My hair was up in a messy bun I had bags under my eyes I was wearing the baggiest clothes I could find.

“Yes mom I answered”

“Come downstairs and eat you have school tomorrow” I didn’t know heart break could hurt so much.

“Yeah” even thought I didn’t feel like eating. I walked slowly down the stairs. My mom was sitting at the table with the paper.

I sat down across from her and laid my head down on the table. I heard her get up from her chair. She put a plate in front of me. I looked up to see a sandwich.

“It’s your favourite” She said with a wary smile. I opened the top of the bread. Pastrami on wheat with butter mayo and a tad bit of mustard.

“Thanks mom” I took a bite in to the sandwich. It felt good just eating something. My mom let out a large sigh.

“Christian came by this morning” she went in to the kitchen and brought out a vase with white roses and a card. I felt the tears spring in my eyes. I missed him so much. I needed to be in his arms. I needed to kiss him. I needed to inhale his smell. Even though I needed all these things I will not run back to him. I needed to keep my pride of being a woman that’s doesn’t need a man to be happy.

“You need to go outside” My mom said interrupting my thoughts.

“I know.” I texted Nicki

To: Nicki

From: Alexis

Want to hang? I think u might have heard what happened to me and Christian.

She replied.

To: Alexis

From: Nicki

Yeah I heard. Sure.

I put on my beanie and left. She was in the complex with Jacob.

“Hey” She said frowning when she looked at me. She wrapped her arms around me. I hugged back with no emotion.

We sat on either side of Jacob. He started talking about Nicki Minaj’s new video. Then he started acting it out. No offence to him but he looked gay it was so funny it was the first thing that actually made me laugh since you know. Then he started shaking his ass it was funny and he knew every word to the song.  We hung out they made me laugh. I felt better.  Nicki’s mom called her so my and Jacob were out side together.

“So, I heard about you and Christian”

“Yup” I said popping the ‘p’

“That sucks” he said

“I know, Thanks for the ride that night. Sorry for giving you a hard time.”

“Yeah, its fine.” After that we fell into an awkward silence. He texted. I thought about Christian. We didn’t really break up it was more like a break from each other. I realised how much I missed him. He was the best boyfriend I ever had like we were so in love and he had to be an idiot and change that kissing that blond. I felt the tears come back. 

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