Feel Like Boxing On Boxing day?

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Alexis P.O.V

Tyson stayed over that night. I wonder where his family was. He was at our house for Christmas. I know he slept in my mom’s bed. If they had sex I didn’t hear. Hehehehe. Jessie stayed over to even though his mom left with her boyfriend. Jessie and I had plans to hang out in the house. I was striating my hair when I heard a slightly seductive knock on my bedroom door.

“Come, In”

“Hey Alexis” It was Tyson why was he here.

“Hey Tyson”

“How’s your morning going?” It was Ohkay because Christian hadn’t called me yet and I was missing him.

“It’s Ohkay. How’s yours?” he had this look on his face for a quick second like something good happened this morning.

“Very Well”

“So what’s up?

“I wanted to come here and ask you-” He let out a large sigh. “Ask you if you are fine with your mother and I dating because I don’t want you to be unhappy just because you don’t like me and your mom and me are in a relationship. So are you?”

I didn’t know why he came to ask me this. I knew my mom cared if I liked her boyfriends or not but she never actually sent them to ask me if I was okay with it. I also knew that she really like Tyson so she would date him behind my back anyway. I answered.

“You make my mom happy. You seem like a good guy. I think it’s great that my mom is back dating since my dad and everything. I give you consent to date my mom.”

“Thanks” He smiled he hugged and he left.

It was2:00when I and Jessie met to watch the movie in my living room. Out side it was snowing hard. Like 2 feet of snow had already fallen. Even though Jessie and I were in the same house we hadn’t seen each other all day. I was walking downstairs and I seen him on the love seat flipping through channels. I ran and hopped beside him. “Well good afternoon.” I said with a sly grin.

“Good morning to you too”

“What movie are we going to watch?”

“I don’t know what’s on TMN” We ended up picking 21 jump streets. The movie was about to start when he paused it. “: HEYYY” I yelled. He didn’t say anything. The movie was paused he was just staring at the paused TV. He finally talked “Alexis?”

“Yeah” I looked over to him.

“I’ve wanted to do something since we were kids. Now that I know that we are not family, I can” before I can ask what he wanted to do he gave me a long kiss with slight tongue. It was a good kiss but my instinct told me to pull away. His soft lips tasted like buttered flavoured syrup. I pulled away “Jessie” I said softly but I was interrupted by the door bell. I ran to the door. I was greeted by Christian picking me up and swirling me and around kissing me hard. I kind of felt weird because Jessie just kissed me and Christina in kissing me.

“SURPRISE!!” I was completely surprised

 “Christian!!!! What are you doing here?” He said he wasn’t coming back home until after the New Year. “Sound like you’re not happy to see me” He did a fake pout. “It was sudden that my mom got a call from work that she had to come in today” 

“Come in” I walked in to the living room hand in hand with Christian. “Alexis who was-” He stopped mid question when he seen Christian.

Jessie P.O.V

I instantly knew it was a mistake. For some reason I couldn’t stop. Her lips were… addicting. She pulled away with a save from the bell the door bell that is. She walked in with a guy. I guessed this guy was Christian.

Alexis P.O.V

 “Jessie this is my boyfriend Christian”

“Hey Jessie” Jessie simply replied.

“Hi” Jessie moved over to the single chair and we sat on the love seat. Jessie un paused the movie and we sat there on the couch in each others arms. When the movie was done. Christian said he had to use the bathroom. It was my cue to question Jessie. “What was that for Jess?”


“You were being kinda rude when Christian came in”

“Yeah, I’m sorry”

“And why did you kiss me?” He fell silent. Christian came back. I took him upstairs to meet my mom and Tyson. We got up to her room I heard the TV on. I knocked my mom said “Hold on” 5 mins later she came to the door. “Hey Lexy.” I seen her look behind me Christian was about a head taller then me. “Hi mom. Come down stairs to meet Christian”

“Oh Kay baby girl I’ll be there” I had to use the bathroom so I took Christian in to my room and sat him on my bed while I was using the bathroom. I came out and seen him looking out my bed room window. I hugged him from behind. “You have a beautiful view here.” He turned to look at me. “I have a beautiful view here to” He kissed him so passionately I felt a zing of energy through my body. We kissed until he was lying on my bed with me on top and of. I pulled away “I missed you so much”

“I missed you so much Alexis” We went back to kissing his hand were caressing my sides and my curves. “Alexis” My mom was calling me from downstairs. I pulled away. Breathing hard. We both walked downstairs. My mom and Tyson were downstairs having coffee and talking to Jessie when we came back to the living room. “Welcome back to earth Alexis” My mom said with a smile on her face. Tyson added “I see you and Mr. Christian are on cloud 9” we both giggled. “Mom this is Christian” My mom hugged him “I’ve heard a lot about you Christian.” Christian shakes hands with Tyson. My mom gets some desserts from the fridge and brings them for Christian. We eat and talk for a few hours. “Oh I should leave” Christian announces. I walk him to the door. I try to open the door and I cant the snow has gotten so deep that we cant open any doors. We put on CP24. They say that none of the roads are open. That means one thing. Christian has to stay. “I’ll call my mom and tell her what’s going on Kay” Christian says. 

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