Only In The Movies

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Alexis P.O.V 

"Yeah, Lets go" I was still a little fired up from that chick going at Christian. But why was I fighting for him? He wasn’t even my boyfriend. Did that show that I cared for him? That I really liked him? Hopefully he didn’t notice and I didn’t make a fool out of myself. We drove to the Movie theatre. At one moment I see his hand move like he was going to touch me. But he pulled it back.  We drove in silence.  It was kind of good because the radio was on it was playing the best songs. He turned it down and talked. “Alexis, um can I say in person that you’re really cool.”

“Thank you, so are you “

“You’re so confident”

“Thanks” Why was he complementing me so much.  We pulled in to the parking lot at Cineplex. “What should we see” I asked.

“I don’t know what’s out”

“Oooo, Let go see Madagascar”

“Yeah that looks good” We walked up to the counter and bought 2 tickets and went to go get food. We ordered Poutine and M&Ms with Medium Sprite.  We got into the movie before it started. We sat down and we started eating.  He turned to me “Hey Alexis, Um ive been wanting to do this since I met you” He leaned in a kissed me. It was such a good kiss. The movie started it was so funny.

Christian P.O.V

I actually kissed her. I’m so proud of myself. Now that I kissed her what do now? She was gleaming and blushing.  Wow, I actually did that to her. Like a boss. Hmmm. I glanced over to her laughing her head off at The Zebra singing. Awe she was so cute.  I can tell that I liked her. The movie was over and we were walking out. I wanted to be risky so I grabbed her hand and entwined my fingers with hers her fingers fit perfectly. I decided I wouldn’t take her home straight. I would make my day dream come true. We left and we walked to my car. “Do you mind if I hold on to you for a little longer?” I asked  

“Hold on to me?”

“Yeah, keep you out “

“Umm sure” Now she was smiling so big.

“What are we going to do?”

“It a surprise”

“I love surprises”

“Well be prepared” I had a blanket in my trunk. This was the night I was going to ask her to be my girlfriend.  We got to the park. The night was beautiful not to cold not to hot. A beautiful September night .I got out “Stay here” I told her. I popped the trunk and got the blanket. I went around opening the door. I took her hand and kissed it and lead her out of the car. I sat her down on the blanket. I sat down beside her and said “Lie down” She obeyed. I decided to be corny and cute so I said “Look at the stars “She looked then I asked “What do you see?” she was about to answer. Then her phone rang

Alexis P.O.V

 Damn it. The worst time my phone had to ring. “Hello?” I was so mad

“Hey, is this Alexis?’

“You can’t call my phone and ask who this is?”

“Oh, Sorry, This is Tyson one of your mom’s co-workers”

“Ohkay, why are you calling?”

“Your mom fainted and we need you to be home to take care of her”

“Why did she faint?”

“I’m guessing too much pressure “

“Ohkay I’ll be right home” I didn’t want to leave Christian. He was being so nice and sweet tonight. I hung up my phone. Christian was looking at me. We caught eyes “What’s wrong?” he asked  

“I have to go”

“What, Why”

“My Mom fainted I need to be home to take care of her”

“Ohkay, I’ll take you home” He took me home. He walked me to the door and like in the Movies he wrapped his arms around my waist and kissed me. Uggh it was so Cliché but I loved it. It was corny. “Bye Alexis” He said “I don’t wan to go but you need to stay with your mom”

“bye Christian same here” I said "I dont wanna let go but i have to" 

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