She said No Booze but was that it

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Summer was getting close; Christian started to sign up for sports. Me being the non- sport girl I am signed up for the cheer squad for 2 reasons. 1 is to see the love of my life play his favourite sport. 2 is because I needed something to do while Christian would practice not just because I just spend my time with him but because Jacob had changed schools  so I haven’t seen him very much. Shawna had been busy because she had a competition coming up. So yeah I needed something to do.  

Cheer tryouts were great. I being a dancer made it easy to get in. 20 girls signed up but only 10 got in. I used the moves from my last dance routine and wowed the cheer captain and her co.  In my eyes life was great. Since the day I went over to Christian’s house it seemed like the grass was greener and the sky looked bluer. Everything was like a perfect in my life. My mom was great. I could tell she was in love with Tyson. I couldn’t believe that I and Christian could come so far with no problems

Friday was Christian’s big game. I was so excited. My first cheer performance. We were walking on to the field Christian was on the other side of the field talking to his team mates. He looked up his eyes met mine, they were filled with excitement. He blew me a kiss I caught it and blew one back. I mouthed “good luck”. He mouthed back “thanks”. The cheer squad and I got in to our formation and cheered our little asses off. I seen Jacob and nicki in the bleachers it was the last minute in then game. Christian was running down the field, dodging quarterbacks he ran TOUCHDOWN. When his team was done congratulating him I ran over to Christian he picked me up and swirled me around with a kiss. “Congratulations” I said “Thanks”. There was a party happening after the game. Christian and I planned to go together. He put me down. “Hey I can’t go straight to the party” He explained

“Why babe?” I was kind of disappointed that he wasn’t going to go with me.

“My mom wants me to do some stuff around the house then I’ll come”

“Kay I’ll see you later then” I started to walk away I was kind of mad at the fact that we would miss some of the party. He ran up behind me and grabbed my arm and spun me around. He looked me in my eyes and said “do me a favour?”


“Please stay home, I’ll come pick you up when i'm done kay”


“Because I know how parties like that turn out , I know one guy is gonna wanna you know with you and I cant let that happen to you”

“So you don’t trust me to not go with some other guy” I could feel the fury heating  up inside of me.

“Its not that its that I just do want you to be helpless to the other people who wouldn’t help you but take advantage of you”

“Ohkay I get it”  I walked into the house my mom and Tyson were at the table sorting out work stuff. When I closed the door she looked up from the papers she had been signing. “How was the game?”

“It was good , We won Christian scored the touchdown” I threw my pomp pomes on the couch.

“Good” She replied and went back to her papers. I realised that Tyson had his ear phones in so he didn’t hear me come in. I changed in to a crop top and  grey track pants and went down stairs for a snack .

“I thought you were going to a party”

“Christians coming to pick me up later”

“Ohkay” I grabbed an apple and went back upstairs to my bed room and decided to call Shawna.

“Hi stranger”

“Hey Shawna”

“Its been a long time”

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