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T: Hey Lani!

Tremaine says as Laylani looks back at him.

L: Oh, hi Tremaine. How are you?

She responds while tucking her hair behind her ear.

T: I'm fine, what about you?

L: Oh I'm okay.

T: You know Lani, you don't have to be nervous around me. I don't bite.

She smiles while relaxing her shoulders a bit.

L: I'm sorry, I just get nervous when I talk to anybody. I'm an introvert.

T: Well you have to talk to people eventually. Some people will stop you simply because you are beautiful.

Laylani blushes as she looks down at her blue and yellow Jordans.

T: Keep your head up, your crown will fall if you tilt your head down.

They both smile and Tremaine leaves to go to his locker. Lani looks at her watch and quickly walks outside the school towards her Honda civic. She starts the car and drives off to her house.


L: I'm home!

Lani yells as she closes the front door. A little boy runs out his room and Laylani instantly smiles.

L: Hey Jaime!

She picks him up and kiss his cheek.

L: How did you act today?

J: Good.

L: Yeah? What you do?

She says as she sits down on the couch with him on her lap.

J: I helped mommy organize my closet.

L: Oh really?

Jaime nods with his index finger in his mouth.

L: Well later on we are going to get ice cream because you were a great helper for mommy today okay?

J: Yay!

He claps his hands as Lani puts him on his feet.

L: Now go to your room and we will go after sissy finish her homework okay?

He nods and runs back in his room while their mom walk in the living room.

M: Hey sweetie.

She hugs Lani.

L: Hey mom.

M: How was school?

L: The same. I talked to Tremaine today.

M: Oh really? That's a great start to you building connections.

L: I was too shy to even speak mom.

M: Oh baby it will be fine. He is just a guy.

L: Yeah, you are right mom.

She smiles at her mom before going to her room and starting on her homework.


Laylani is watching TV when she gets a notification from her phone. She looks at the text message from an unsaved number.

"Hey Laylani, this is Tremaine. I asked one of your friends for your number if you don't mind. You mind helping me with my math homework?"

She smiles before responding to his text.

Me, Tremaine, and I Where stories live. Discover now